What age do you think you will pass on?


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Tom and mark

Well-known member
Aug 24, 2006
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I think i'll live to 106 then I will be underground. :furawatchi:


When do you think you will die?



I dunno.... like 80 something..

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Whenever I feel like it. There are so many things to do in life and dying will come after I've done almost all.(cause you have to die, thats last on my list. lol.)

Are topics like this allowed?

But anyway...why think about dying? You have your whole life ahead of you! :D Like that little song....

~Don't worry! Be happy~

Hehe. Just follow that.

Well No one on my dad's side of the family has lived past 70, (but my dad was 46 when he died) everyone had heart problems in my dads family. No one on my mom's family lived past the age of 80. But seeing as i have inhaled so much second hand ciggarette smoke (my dad smoked three packs a day, my mom smokes 1 and a half) I'll likely die in my late 50's to mid 60's

It does not matter to me as long as I live a good peaceful life and have lots of friends who care for me along with my loving family that I will never lose touch of. As long as have these things it does not matter how long I live or any person for that matter. Plus if you act this way and be happy in your life and take Jesus as your savior you die and then go up to heaven and live for eternity. I have tooken Jesus as my savior have you?

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I think i'll live a long time [if genetics have anythings to do with it.]

My Nan & Grandad died in late 70's and my Great, Great Uncle died when he was 94 or 96.

Somewhere till my late 60's early 70's. My Moms mom, died of Hereditary cancer, my Moms dad died of Heart Attack just a month ago. They were still young, if I am lucky and get my oldness from my dads side I will live to be in my Late nighties

I think i'll live to 106 then I will be underground. :lol:  

When do you think you will die?


I used www.deathclock.com. I know it won't tell the day I'm REALLY gonna die but... my grave stone will say


Jan 13 1994 - Mar 27 2073

So, I'm gonna live to 79 yrs. of age. Wowzies!

My name isn't really confidential, I just can't give it out on a worldwide website.

I used deathclock too. It said Jan. 25 1994-April 8 2073. Supposedly I will be 79. Pooh. I think I will be in the 90's when I die. All shriveled, dried up, croaky voice...HEY! That makes me soung like a dying frog! :p I'M NOT A FROG!

I'm going to be around 204 when the great phantasmal octagon descends from the clouds and informs me that my time has come. My metaphysical being will then be projected into the astral plane where I will exist until the end of time amongst my Leomund's secret chest and my ethereal friends.

Or I'll die at like 84, just 'cuz.

One of the two.

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