What Are Some Good Online RPG's?


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Well-known member
May 10, 2007
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Does anyone know any good online RPG's? (I already do Maple Story and I used to do Club Penguin).



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Webkinz. They are plush toys that you buy at your local toy store, activate them at www.webkinz.com and give them a little room and play games and earn KinzCash! It is Beanie Babies and Tamagotchi put together!

He doesn't mean that.


Free ones all suck, especially maple story.

He doesn't mean that.

Free ones all suck, especially maple story.
0.0 Maple story does not suck...

It was like rated 3rd place for best online game.


But anyway!

I think it would just be better to go out and

buy an RPG game then find one on the internet.

I play adventurequest,dragonfable,runescape,club penguin,trickster online and... well, that's about it. All of them are good,but AQ is too repetitive and DF is too boring.

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0.0 Maple story does not suck...It was like rated 3rd place for best online game.


But anyway!

I think it would just be better to go out and

buy an RPG game then find one on the internet.
It was rated 3rd place by some contest. Compared to REAL games, made by REAL companies that you have to actually buy or pay subscription fees for, it sucks. It's repetitive and the worlds are bland, and theres so many losers on it.

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It was rated 3rd place by some contest. Compared to REAL games, made by REAL companies that you have to actually buy or pay subscription fees for, it sucks. It's repetitive and the worlds are bland, and theres so many losers on it.
Rofl. When was the last time you played it?

Just because you don't have to pay to play it

doesn't mean its crap. Besides do you have any idea how

big maple story has gotten? They sell nx cards now at Target, to customize

your character. o_o Lol there ranking in the big bucks now.

But oh well, we're both different people.

So we both like different stuff.

And besides NEXON IS a real company...o.o

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0.0 Maple story does not suck...It was like rated 3rd place for best online game.


But anyway!

I think it would just be better to go out and

buy an RPG game then find one on the internet.
why is that? i find its justy a waste of money there r alot of awsome free rpg's online like dofus and furcadia and heroes they may take a little while to load but its worth it

oh ya i have a useful link for you that has a list of free rpgs but some have only a trial period but after that u have to pay! for a huge list of free rpg's click here

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