What are some of the things you can't believe you


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Well-known member
Feb 15, 2007
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California USA
We all did some very odd stuff :( , I used to go running around naked in the thunderstorms with my Pooh Bear umbrella untill I got realy cold (that was when I was like 2-4 years)


Also, when I was like....5? I painted the side of the house rainbow w/ kid paints, most of it washed off, but some is still there ;) .


What did you guys do?

well my bro(i wasnt even born

my mom told me)when he was like 1 he took a

box of Q-tips and flushed them down the

toilet,and then it wuz clogged. ;) then he went into the

bathroom when he wuz 1 and took sisccors and

cut a plug wire thing :( ,alsio when he wuz like 2

he got out of his crib at night an opened the door to

go outside,went oustside in his diapers on the road

good thing it wasnt a highway nad was there until my

mom felt somethin cold When she was sleeping then

she got him.after that day she duck taped the doors at night. :angry:

Oh, my, gawsh. There are, let's see..1,2,3...5 million things I cant belive I did when I was younger.

-Called my little brother a cutie (Ew.)

-I swallowed a WHOLE ice cube.

-Knocked out "Barney" at the mall.

And lots more. ;)

Haa, just this funny thing:

I went outside when i was 3/4 to play with my firends, when i came back i had a hole inn my jeans, my mum asked me what that was off- i jusat said, "___ grew big fangs and bit it off, i tried screaming but nothing happened. :p "

xD How lame was that exuse?

But when we're little, I don't think that we have great control over ourselves. :p [


I drew all over the Wall. Thankfully, it came off.

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This is really gross

I smeared poo all over the wall when I was 1...

...Almost ate an ant...

Pretty gross for a baby girl, huh?

When I was 8 I balanced a worm on my nose...


Bad things I've done as a child:

-Hugged my sister O.O'

-Carved the wall with a thumbtack

-Give a younger kid the bird (He was throwing rocks at my younger cousin..)

-I jumped on my sister's back, grabbed a handful of her hair, and started bashing her face into the floor... XD

Bad things I've done recently:

-Attempted voodoo on my friend's brother... Although it was, of course, fake.. XD

-Walked up to a fire that my friend's brother had just thrown an unknown bottle into [bAD IDEA]... It exploded in my face, as well as his friend's.

-Eat a dead spider on a dare.

-Smash lightning bugs for their glowy-guts. XD

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Omg, when I was a little kid I...

* get out of bed at night, pull down all the books, sit on the pile of books and read one, lol.(2 or 3 years)

* ate cat poop, icky(2 or 3 years)

* drew poop and pee monsters with my friend, and then their baby was diarhea, lol (6 years)

I was a weird little kid, man I was wacko.

This is really gross
I smeared poo all over the wall when I was 1...

...Almost ate an ant...

Pretty gross for a baby girl, huh?

When I was 8 I balanced a worm on my nose...

*points to bolded*

My Brother Did that when he was 1 1/2. I wasn't Born yet though. xD.


I don't really Remember Any Strange Things i Did when i was litte....No, wait Yes i do.

When i was 4 I was Sleep Walking. Went to the bathroom. Sat on the Toilett (but i never had to go) And Fell Asleep. o_O

Also, When i was 2. I used to Mush up Strawberrys and Smear them on the Walls. And I would Throw Grapes at People and laugh my head off. o_O. xD.

I LOVE telling this story...

A couple years ago, maybe 2 or 3, I was planning to sneak a minnow home from a fishing trip and keep it as a pet, since my mom said no to a goldfish. So at the bait store, I asked the person there if minnows eat bread (so I would know what to feed it). My mom gave me a strange look, and figured I was just curious. But the lady said that she didn't know what they eat, and that they just got shipped to the shop and then sold to customers. So we went on our fishing trip, and when we were packing up to go home and I was supposedly dumping out the extra minnows that we didn't use into the lake, I slipped one into my water bottle. I put the bottle in our bag and took him home. When we got to our house, I put him in a cottage cheese container and hid him under my bed. 3 days went by, and I got worried since the poor thing was starving. I told my mom, and she said we could keep him! So we fed him Beta food and he ate it, and we named him Bubbles. He lived in our fish bowl for 3 months, but then he died. It was such a miracle though. :D I got my mom to like fish, so now I have a Beta of my own.

And when I was a baby, I sat in a red ant hill. I started crying and my parents were like "what's wrong?" And then they saw about 100 ants going up my legs and biting me... xD

EDIT: Also, when my sister was little she would shove my parents credit cards down the vent. xD

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When I was about... 6... I went to this fair-place thingy and was chewing my fork. I broke a peice of it off on accident and swallowed it, and I thought I was going to die, so I freaked and cried. XD

Thats all I can think of, for now...

*I stole a puzzle piece from school when I was in first grade and I thought I would get arrested if someone found out...

*I thought the saying "hold on!" meant that I had to hold on to something...

*I thought a giant gorilla was haunting me

I was pretty dumb.

When my sister was like 7 (she's 10 now) she got out of bed at like 12:00am, walked around in circles, went out of our room and into my parent's room then peed in their garbage! She went into my parent's bed and fell asleep. It wasn't until my mom went to bed when she finally found her! I thought that was pretty funny!

What I did when I was little was catch butterflies at school, rub their wings so they couldn't fly, then keep them in my pencil case. The teacher never found out and the only one to know was my friend. They lived in my pencil case all year! ^_^

Well,one thing i used to do is when my parents were watching tv i use too bang on it until someone changed my diaper.

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