What are the best ways to gain skill points?


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Active member
May 21, 2007
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North America
I just recently got my Tamagotchi v4, and agree that I love it better than the other versions I have, But are there any "best" ways to gain skill points? I want my Tama to end up with an awesome job! :(

just play loads of games! and when your tama goes to school, when you first get the ! letter, press A when you see a turtle-like tama with a book, and he'll change into another teacher. There are three teachers, and eacht teacher raises a different skillpoint. the turtle for intelligence, the flower for fashion and canvasman for kindness. (I think!!) As for games, jumprope and mimic raise random lifepoints, shape raises intelligence, dance raises fashion and flag raises kindness. Oh, and- some foods raise certain points as well, like I think fish and icecream, for example, raise intelligence, and grapes kindness. It's really not that hard. You'll figure it out soon enough! I did, my sisters did, everyone else did, ans so will you. But if you need further help, don't hesitate to ask! ^_^

Well there is no "Best" way to earn skill points, but there is a few ways to earn them! First of all play lots of game, get a job and play that mini game and then when your in regular school[out of preschool] you can even play a mini game for that! Just go to the Infa Red Icon[the last icon on the first row-the heart] and scroll until you find "work" then press that and press the middle button a.k.a. the B button then it will show your teacher and then boxes. It will show you whitch ever point you are earning and then follow that point it will blink with another box and then it changed to that box! At the end of the game you will try to find the one with the point in it and if you guess right you get a point and if you don't you see poop. Then you earn a few points if you get it right but if you don't get it right then you don't get anything.

Hope this helps!

Best Regards,


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