What are these dolls


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Feb 29, 2020
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Sry I'm new to this just turned on my tamagotchi this morning and I have this weird couple picture thing just sitting there what is It and why  

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Welcome to TamaTalk, Noir! :)

This topic is one for Help For Tamagotchi Owners, not Stuff We Read, so I've moved it over there.

You haven't specified which Tamagotchi version you're using, but I do know what you're referring to. What you're seeing is a decoration for Hinamatsuri, also known as Girls' Day, which is a Japanese festival which takes place on March 3rd. The "weird couple picture thing" is a display of emperor and empress dolls, and is a simplified version of a traditional Hinamatsuri doll display.


A traditional display tends to look a bit like this. ;) It features the emperor, empress, and their royal court, all decked out in Heian-period dress.

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Thank you 😊 its the tamagotchi magic it has to be because of the Japanese girls day thank you it was driving me but 

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I'm glad to help! :)

I think that the dolls here look considerably more goofy than the ones in real-life, I must admit, but it's fun seeing it get a nod here. :lol: I was first introduced to Hinamatsuri by its appearance in an episode of the Pokemon anime back in the late 1990s, myself. :)

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