What Are You Currently Running?


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Well-known member
Aug 9, 2007
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Here! :)
Hey, guys! I had some down time and decided to start running a few of my virtual pets: the Pokemon Pikachu GS 2, a P2, and an Angelgotchi. Niiice and easy, since I'm still in college and am often swamped with work. :p I'd like to know which pets you're running right now. Feel free to post again if it changes. It's not limited to Tamagotchis: vintage, Connection, Giga Pets, Nanos, Dinkie Dinos, all are welcome! I am very curious to know and would love to meet new people along the way. :mellow:

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Well i work roughly 40-45 hours a week, so i "kinda" have free time (rolls eyes). Im running a yellow colour Tama, a Japanese Angelgotch, and a Genjitchi. But im probably going to re-tab the Genjitchi, I'm not finding it that great. Most of my Tamas are just for my collection, but if i can open them to have a look without wrecking the packaging then i give it a shot. I just re-tabbed my Mothra, and I'm thinking about firing up my Tama School. I will let my fellow Tama Talkers know how this goes :p :mellow:

Ooo, rough schedule. You gotta do what you gotta do though. :) I haven't had the chance to run my Genjinchi yet, but you don't like it, you say? Hmm, I might have to try it out to see. You mentioned that you have 2 Colors in our other post, I believe. Is there a big difference between that and the ID and if so, is that why you chose to by the Color over the ID?

Yeah, its just with the Genjitch it gets a little bit boring. It takes AGES to grow up, and they beep every 10 minutes or so. They loose a hungry/happy heart nearly every 5 minutes, and for every alert you miss, it takes even longer to evolve. With working so much it took mine 12 days to reach adulthood, and even then the characters weren't very nice looking. It was more like a very annoying P1, without the characters we all love. Its one you really have to have time for. The novelty wears off pretty quickly. As for the colour Tamas, i here the iD has more functions and characters. I bought the 2 colours purely because, they are about $50 eacj with free postage from an eBay seller called Nuncha, were as i have only found iD Tamas for about $90 plus $12 postage, so it was like "why get 1 when i can get 2?". I do hear that they are very good, added features and such, while still keeping all the good features from the TMGC+C :angry:

I can't believe I'm doing this, but in addition to my P2, Angelgotchi, and Pikachu GS2, I recently started up my Osu/Mesu pair and an OCEANGOTCHI (AKA the hardest Tamagotchi to care for :D )...and I still have work to do. I must be mad...

Oh well, I'm a great multi-tasker and I'm doing fantastically in all my college classes anyway. :)

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HAHA! Your keen B) , I have never reached adulthood on an Ocean before. But truth be told it ended up getting re-tabbed as a result of an unwanted character :D You gotta let me know how it goes. My second colour Tama arrived in the mail today, so I'm going to use both to check out what the connection is like . :)

Currently Running, 2 V4s, 2 V3s, one V1

(All Tamagotchi Connections, besides the V4...we're not sure what it is.)


Haha, have you managed to contact a guide yet? I could have sworn that it's an Entama, but the no Japanese thing really throws me off. ^_^

I'm currently running two Music Stars... inbetween school, homework, sports, and other stuff so they get paused a bit but whenever I have the chance I play with them.

Impressive, Yellowmoodtama! Yeah, I know what you mean. I'm a college student with work to do too, and I'm running my Pikachu GS 2, P2, Angelgotchi, Osu/Mesu, and Oceangotchi. Lots of pausing going on too. :puroperatchi:

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