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MSNing Starry and Kay (Webcam with Kay).

Trying to pass the camera through the webcam to Kay.

iTunes'ing. Currently Womanizer by Britney Spears, haha.

Having a conversation with mummy.

^want that nickname? It's like.. eptastic. :)

Msning starry.

doing a mini-dance.


trying to stay awake (so tired from my allnighter last night)

Lying in bed with the computer. I have tennis camp soon, so I might go downstairs and play some wii tennis to warm up. ;D

IMing my buddehs, about to go on MapleStory.

*scurries off to do so*

Listening to my mom and her friend talk. About Alcohol and throwing up. Gross!

Burning my favourite songs to disk. Nothing like a CD I reckon.

And I'm sitting awkwardly in this odd, very sexual postion. It's the only comfy way to sit on this chair.

I'm am...

-Listening to the Gummy Bear song

-Filing my nails


-Drinking sweet tea

-Thinking about when school starts. {13 MORE DAYS FOR MEEEEEEEE! I'M SO EXCITED!}

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