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I am watching "Psychic Kids: Children of the Paranormal" which is a really good show :)

AND I'm fiddling with my bracelet

Snuggling with my kitty

Being paranoid about "The Walking Dead", because I AM A CHICKEN!



Circulating blood

Eating icing

and a number of other things :)

  • Looking for my Papa's credit card so I can buy a Tamagotchi Nano, Melodytchi plush, and Himespetchi notebook. MINE!
  • Online window shopping (where you look at shopping sites without buying anything)
  • working on my top secret fan fiction, and hoping nobody notices the invisible writing in my signature.

  • Looking for my Papa's credit card so I can buy a Tamagotchi Nano, Melodytchi plush, and Himespetchi notebook. MINE!
  • Online window shopping (where you look at shopping sites without buying anything)
  • working on my top secret fan fiction, and hoping nobody notices the invisible writing in my signature.
The Himespetchi notebook isn't just an item on the Princess Spacy iD L? AND YOU CAN GET MELODITCHI PLUSHES!!?? *wants parents to stop not letting me buy Tama stuff except Tamas*

  1. Wanting parents to stop not letting me buy Tama stuff except Tamas
  2. Wanting my month-delayed Nanos to arrive
  3. Wishing my Princess Spacy HADN'T EVOLVED INTO LOVELIN AGAIN.
  4. Waiting for my 11th birthday in 19 days

Eating a rotten apple. I was wondering why it was so brown and mushy and why it tasted so yukky. It was rotten, for Pete's sake! Well, it was because it was ROTTEN! THAT's why it was mushy and brown and yukky tasting! Did I put the apple in the bin? No, I kept eating it no matter how rotten it was. Not gonna waste food that could feed the poor starving children in Africa.

At a school computer for my writing class, listening to Vampire Weekend and brainstorming.

Being bored

Internet's practically empty

Listening to music

Waiting for TUO to put submit on - I wanna post a submission

Chating on tamachat and playing Animal Crossing Wild World

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