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Eating the paint from my pencil (I am drawing a picture of Mametchi ripping Mimitchi to shreds)
Post it on your log! Your drawings are great! All I can draw is Dazzilitchi looking stupid and girly...

I am making sure my typing is quiet so I don't get caught sneaking on the computer at night, and thinking of an idea for something to draw, and viewing random people's profiles. Oh yes, and taking personality quizzes about all my favourite books and constantly being told I resemble the most unpopular person in the book who is always a boy and rating the quizzes 1 star. :p

~ Dazzmina ~

Listening to music, cleaning my two ferret's cage, putting off doing my laurndry, checking up on my tamagotchi

Post it on your log! Your drawings are great! All I can draw is Dazzilitchi looking stupid and girly...

~ Dazzmina ~
...You mean the one I drew of Mametchi and Mimitchi? Sorry, I crunched it up...

How do you know my drawings are great...?

Right now I am eating broccoli.

~ EMF :newmametchi: :mimitchi:

Watching random YouTube videos (Hetalia ones xD) and playing with a broken wristband thing.

I was dancing a few minutes ago <.< Now, I'm currently drinking water, cooling off :) Browsing through Tamatalk and watching a bit of My Strange Addictions.. I'm gonna study in a bit.

sitting cross legged, updating my TT log, posting here, checking up on my iD L. oh, and thinking about making hot chocolate. ^_^

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