What are you in the crowd?


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Feh...nothing in that list really describes me. xD

I'm basically your Average-LaidBack-Doesn't Care about her Grades-apathetic-emotionless sarcasm-occasionally-forgetful-doesn't care what other people think- Type of Girl.

Like, At School. If Some one is being a .*****, Then I'll be one back. If someone is being Nice, I'll be nice back, If someone is being "Fake" Nice(like, being nice but not actually meaning it), I'll be "Fake" nice back.

.That pretty much describes me. And theres not really a word in the poll that describes what I am in the crowd.

Popular. Pretty girl. Smarty pants. Sporty. Hyper all over the place sugar high chick. Pretty much the person with heaps of friend whoes smart pretty popular and a sport star! Classed as perfect

Well, I'm a;

A+ smarty(I just try hard in school, then LIE in my homework at home o_O)

sporty(But the boys won't let me play football(Um, soccer to you americans))

gothy(Lot's of people say I am, but I dunno.)

bully(Well, yeah, but not this year! ^^)

class clown(Always doing stuff, like at the start of this year, a girl said "'Cause you need to be small and skinny to be a ballerina..."'cause the teacher asked her something to do with that, everyone looked at me, I was all, "BACK OFF, IF THERE'S ONE THING YOU'LL NEVER SEE ME IN, IT'S A DRESS, OR PINK! ESPECIALLY NOT A PINK ONE!" in front of the whole class, the teacher just smiled. XD)

totally talented(Yessss, talented at,... Thingz, I AM, I AAAAAAAMMMM! ¬_¬ Dun hate me)

rule breaker(Very rule breaking >_>)

bad boy/girl(Yeah...)

I've also got detention on the first day of school after the summer holidays, made boys bigger than me cry,(Yeah, I'm bad*** like that.)

I'm the smiley, gullible, friendly, girly-girl. I talk to nearly everyone. =D Go me! :( joke.

Everyone at my school thinks that I never talk... :(

Its pretty funny because whenever they hear me say something theyr'e like 'Woah! She can talk!'

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I'm kinda a bad girl. I like to break rules,I'm pretty naughty( :( lol) and everyone says I'm a natural-born-flirter(lol) I'm also considered to be a nerd BUT IN A GOOD WAY! I'm smart but veryone loves to be around me. I'm also the only female class-clown. All the rest are guys haha!

I have no idea. I get on the honor roll, and people say I'm really nice. I love talking and ppl tell me I talk too much sometimes. I don't know.

I'm that normal person who walks around being normal, if that's believeable. I look like a normal person.

You could say I gossip, I suppose. And I'm not friendly, so X out that one.

I'd love to put "totally talented" but haha.. XD

I am seen as the sporty chick. I play or have played nearly every sport except netball. I hate netball.

I am also seen as the only girl who plays cricket. So because I am basically the only girl who plays in my whole city, I have to play in boys' competitions. It has its advantages! If I never played cricket, I would've never met Luke.

I voted 'sporty'.

Whenever we do P.E. or Games at my school, I am always picked first because of my skills.

And no, this is not a good thing. It makes me wonder weather they are picking me because of my skills, or because they like me as a person. I think they do it only because they like my skills.

But yeah, I do enjoy sports, so I would call myself sporty. :D

~ Xx-Tama-Girl-Beth-xX

In school I'm a girl. Although, I'm a girl everwhere.

I hate labels and I feel as if I'm squashed into a catagorey when labeled. Noone is exactly alike anyone else.

I'm called several things in school. Let's combine them all and see what we get:

Awesome, cool, shy, hyper, random, emo, geekey, nerd.

Wow. o.o

Very popular nice person. Alot of people have asked that..

PS, I found this online one day: Practice makes perfect, but nobody's perfect so why practice? xDD

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I have plenty of good friends who appreciate me. Some kids at school think my friends and I are nerds. Or geeks or dorks or unpopular nobodies or whatever else is cruel and clique-ish. Just fill in the blank. Well, that's okay to me because I am happy with my friends. On the ladder of "popularity" as some think I am definitely not high. Woohoo! On the real ladder of popularity, I don't know because there isn't one. Everyone is valued and thought of as the person, not of how they supposedly look to everyone else. Okay, but if there was one, I would be in the happy zone.

What a nerd, huh? Yeah, that's me. But if whoever thinks I'm a nerd does so, I'm proud to be a nerd if that's what they aren't.

Let's just get to the point- my social status is happy, okay?

And an important message to everyone: Popularity (as people think it is) isn't everything. In fact, it's just an illusion.

Be in the happy zone.


Gothy-I wear all those clothes and eyeliner, white fondation and stuff.

Annoying-Yeah espeically to the boys

Wierd-Do I need to explain that?

Fatty-Yep, third fattest in the class

Trying hard-Well only this year because I want to go on this cool school trip at the end of the year.

Rule breaker-Yeah I forget my home work all the time now, I get on with my life

Tree-hugger-Yep, vegetarian and when I'm older I'm going to go round the edges of the law to help the planet.

Well I'm alot of things

In school, I am a lot of things. I am always very nice and social, making new friends comes very easy to me. I also get straight A's. I am in Honor Choir, I am very musical and artistic. I am not very athletic, you wouldn't call me a girl "jock", though I still do well in P.E. And, AND this year the popular girls(not the mean ones, the nice ones)have been asking me to hang out with them. I don't think that I have one particular position like "nerd" or "popular", but that's okay to me. Being who I am and who I want to be is just fine.

[SIZE=14pt]Memetchi Dreamer[/SIZE]

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