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Louisa May Alcott's Little Women, which my mom brought for me from the library, since we've seen a delightful play based on it. I also have the second book, so I guess I'll be reading that too.

As I've previously mentioned, reading isn't quite my thing nowadays, but I really like this book.

I'm reading "Kids from Bullerbyn" by Astrid Lindgren, but in Polish (it's my first language)

The Amazing Book Is Not On Fire

I've been waiting to find it for half price because I love Dan and Phil but I'm also cheap... however my heart is rich with love for them :puroperatchi:

Currently power reading through The Selection series. I'm on the third book right now and so far so good!

I got done reading To Kill a Mockingbird for muh English class at the beginning of this year. Haven't read anything but internet articles since..

Our Endless Numbered Days by Claire Fuller. It was £1 so I thought y not

+ I read Looking For Alaska by John Green and imo it wasn't that good

Currently reading The Invasion of the Tearling, by Erica Johnson. Not as good as the first, but still enjoyable.

I'm halfway through reading Paper Towns by John Green and I'm not gonna bother reading an Abundance of Katherines because Paper Towns and Looking For Alaska follow pretty much the same story line so cba to waste my money on another John Green book :angry:
