What are your best and worst qualities?


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Serenity III

Well-known member
Mar 21, 2010
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What are your best and worst qualities?

Well, for me.


• I am considerate for others when I feel they deserve it. I'll do something nice for people whenever they would need help. Unless I don't like the person. o:


• I kind of speak whats on my mind, so if you smell bad I'd say, you really stink and people get mad but it's the truth. Sometimes people don't brush their teeth correctly and have some plaque, I say it. It is kind of rude I suppose but I really don't like that being around me. I don't mean it rude when I say it.

I'll think of more later.

Best: I'm always first to help in nearly any situation. I'm humorous, sweet, and fun to be around, according to my close friends.

Worst: I, too, speak my mind. It gets me in trouble sometimes. I'm also very quick to get angry so I snap at people easily. Oh, and I bottle things up until I break down. ):

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Best - I don't care what people think, I'm outgoing, creative, easygoing, smart, and have a good sense of humour.

Worst - Very disorganized, a little bossy (working on it), impatient, suck at making conversations and small talk, judgmental, etc.

Best - People say I'm really nice. I try being nice to everyone - even people I dont like. And I try to encourage people when they're doing well in like team sports. Yenno, make them feel good : )

Worst - I kinda get caught up in sports a lot. Like if people on my team aren't even trying, I kinda tell at them... It puts me in a really pi**ed off mood, and then I swear at people who yell at me... xD But then I say sorry xD

Best; Niceness I guess. I'm always there for my friends. And other people. We all have those people at our school who are hated by everyone and have not a single friend. I'm the type of person who actually gets to know those people and doesn't start hating on them just because everyone else does too.

Worst; Impatience. That's a big one. Also, I forgive people too easily. You may think that's a good thing but I forgive people much too easily. If someone says something terrible about me or my friends or family or whatever I get angry and then they say ''urrrrr sorry?'' and I go ''oh! it's okay!'' and walk off like nothing ever happened. Then they just keep saying mean things knowing I'll end up forgiving them every time.

Best: Apparently I am funny, kind, have a good sence of humour and I am friendly to everyone.

Worst: I have quite a short attention span and I get angry quickly.


Well, that's hard to say because I can be so many things. I can be super nice and super mean all in the same day, lol.

Best: good listener, responsible, somewhat social, smart-ish, and great musical ability

Worst: I can be really mean sometimes without realizing it, impatient, short attention span

Best:Considerate, Friendly, Smart (Kinda), my writing ability xD .

Worst: I stick up for people. Seem bad? No?. Well it is. If someone's done something bad, I'm all "Oheyy, it's not their fault!", when it is. Emotional control. When my group of friends were fighting, one was getting angry and another and swearing and blaming. Then I started crying and telling them to stop. Temper. I get angry. Usually a joke, but it's sometimes real. My lack of maths ability O:

I don't know how I should put these. Because in some situations it is vice versa. But anywaay... ~

Best: Once I become close to you, I love you so dearly you'd never know.

Worse: I find it incredibly hard to trust people.

Worst; either my bad organization, or my over-competitiveness. I always try and beat people at whatever it is, even if it's just like a math game at school. I'm also really messy and disorganized and no one ever wants to sit next to me in class because I take up so much space with my books x3 Also, I care too much what people think.

Best; I guess I'm good to be around. Because I don't annoy people, but I don't like bore them or anything. And I've been told that I'm the 'funny one', even though I'm pretty shy and quiet..

Best: I'll always help the people I care about no matter what, I don't care what it is or what the consequences are, I'll do it. I speak my mind 24/7. I try to make sure everyone is happy and (especially) safe.

Worst: I have a short temper, and people tell me that makes me 'scary', so of course that causes all sorts of problems. And the fact that I obsess over making things right for everyone... It can go from nice and sweet to annoying and controlling in about 3 seconds, and it usually does. I really hate that.

Best♥ I'm friendly, nice, and overly sympathetic.

Worst☻ I'm overly sympathetic...Which isn't to good when your playing fighting games! xD

I don't usually share my opinions or feelings which usually drives my boyfriend crazy! And I'm a little bit greedy. Dx

Best: - I'm friendly to everyone. At least, I'm trying...

Worst: - I'm shy around people I don't know that well... And it annoys me, but I can't say anything without thinking I'll embarass myself!

Best: I am always hyper and laugh at everything. I always try to be freindly and sympathetic.

Worst: I get upset quite easily and can snap if really upset.

Best ;; I do fairly well in reading people's thoughts, no matter how hard they try to hide them.

Worst ;; I'm overly modest, so I fail to accept efforts as my own.

I'm not too fond of compliments, in a sense.

Best: Probably would be, being a good friend and helping those who I think deserves it. And I'm nice as long as your nice back.

Worst: My short temper/temper fits.

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