What color eyes do you have?


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I have brown eyes but they turn a red when the sun hits them >.< I dont really like the the red..Its makes my eyes look weird and I think I look like a devil or something. The only thing I ike about my eyes are that they give me a demonic look that goes good with my personality.


Really bright blue.

My eyes are so deep. xD As much as I hate the rest of my body, I think my eyes are really gorgeous. :3

my high color changes on my mood happy light green sad brown crying blue normal hazel

i pick hazel

My eyes are blue-gray with a ring of brown around the pupil.

when i am happy or content my eyes are blue. when i am sad or tired my eyes turn blue. When i am crying they are bright blue

I have green eyes. ^_^

It seems like a lot of people have brown eyes here.

I have brown eyes. Dark, dark brown eyes. People used to think they looked almost black, and sometimes still do. ^^'

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