What color?


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I picked out the name months ago, his name is *drumroll*

Zeus ChazBert JonFred Pyle!

...or Zeus for short XD

I'm also getting mice for christmas, i'll name one spencer, its a cute name :3

I have a Bearded Dragon! Hes almost 2 years old and I have had him since he was 2 months old.

Here is a picture of him:


Do you have your dragons set up ready? Whats it like? Where did you order him from? Make sure you have the neccessities like the proper temperature, a heat light, a UVB light, calcium dust and multivtamin calcium dust!

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Cakey, which breeder/dealer did you order him through? There are some very reputable large-scale dragon breeders who even I would be comfortable ordering from, but it's always best to do your research before you choose a supplier. :D I'm just curious who you chose. And, you selected a great color morph for a Beardie. Good luck with Zeus! You will love him! :D

I ordered from a1reptiles.com, they seem to really care about their animals because i was on the phone with one of the employees (when i was ordering zeus) and he made sure i did lots of research about the care of bearded dragons. They are going to ship him on January 5th because shipping him around christmas provides a risk of him getting mixed up with the other 3847249223 packages in the mail being sent as gifts. They have very good feedback on their website, and when they mail him it will be overnight mail, so I'll have him on January 6th.

I'm getting all of the supplies after christmas and setting up his tank before i get him :3

Never dealt with a1 directly, but I have heard good things about them. It's a very good sign that they took the time to educate you about your dragon! Sounds like you have everything in order. :p

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