What do teachers think of you?


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Well-known member
Mar 15, 2009
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Most teachers think I'm a good student [because I'm a nerd 8]] But one teacher doesn't really like me, because I was fooling around in her class xD.

My teachers know I'm a psycho Joker/Sweeney lover xD once there was a spider on the floor where I was sitting, I picked up my binder and started beating it like there was no tomorrow. xDD My math teacher came out and stopped me and said this to my whole class later on:I'm only scared of two people, Me father and malinda" xDDDD But other than that they think of my as pretty good student xD

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All of my teachers but my music, english and social studies teacher hate me. My PE teacher is kind of.. Eh, because Katie and I tease him and joke around with him a lot. It's different to the other girls, because they're like, fully n love with him, it's disgusting.

My friend Rachel and I mess around in English, because we're both really good at it, and we never get into trouble. Our teacher has noooo idea.

Music is fun, we just practice all lesson, so I go outside with Katie and we play with the year 11's, so Luke and Daniel are there ^_^

And in social studies, Katie and I joke around with Mr Harnett all the time, he's so cool, and he lets us listen to iPods during class [Even though they're banned haha] ^-^

Art teacher thinks I'm artistic, but she says I have to put more time and effort into art instead of doing my homework in her class.

Math teacher thinks I'm dumb, but she likes my because I'm quiet.

Language arts teacher is okay with me. She's strict, and I'm kind of a balance. I do terrible on homework and projects, but I'm quiet and everyone else is extremely annoying.

P.E. teacher probably doesn't even know my name. (And the year's almost over)

History teacher thinks I'm a good student, but he also thinks I'm weird. He kept telling me to check over this answer on a test before until I got it right xD

Science teacher likes me. There aren't many 'good students' in my science class.

haha. they all pretty much hate me, even though i have As in all my classes...I guess I just mess around too much. I'm not exactly the 'perfect student'.

All of my teachers love me... it's weird. I guess I'm just like Weiwei; a nerd. Haha. I do like to muck around in class and get angried cuz I don't get to listen to my iPod, but all's good. I've been in time out once and that was on my 3rd day of school... longggggg story.

This year's teacher is weird. He doesn't let us listen to our iPods like last year's teacher did. And he gives us the hardest work. Like, too hard. I manage with it.. but Jen doesn't. Eh, next year I'll be in high school so it'll be even harder.

My teachers generally think I'm a good teacher.

Except for Work Ed and Pastoral Care. I hate those classes.

Alot of teachers have different feelings about me

Science: He doesn't hate me..but he knows my dad xD So we have some connection. He knows I'm smart

8th Grade Math: She's pretty nice to me. She probably knows I can be stupid at times

English: She hates me. She hates me as a person, not a student. She can't give me a perfect paper. Ever. She's too young.

Geography (Content Reading): Pretty close friend of my dads. He is related to me somehow. He likes me and know I am one of the smart ones in the class

Teachers like me because I'm not obnoxious. I'm quiet. :3

And I make [mostly] good grades.

They all love me. Except my algebra teacher. He gives me detention for no reason ;-; He says I talk too much, I have to agree xD

But like, this one time I wrote on a Geography test when i wasn't supposed to, and my teacher was like, "It's okay no worries ^-^" after he screamed at another student for writing on it. lololol I get off the hook easily with teachers. Except Mr.Avila of course.

I only have 3 teachers. I'd say I'm probably... 5th smartest in my class, and I'm on the honor roll, so if they hate me I don't think it's because of my grades. All my teachers seem to be fine with me, I make them laugh sometes and they give me nicknes and stuff like that, so they must not hate me. except for my music teacher, she's alsothe jk teacher, so they probably messed her up a little. Yeah.. She's not so fond of me.

Depends. Some subjects I excel at [Drama, Music, English, Swim. And some others.] so the teachers warm to me and don't mind me being a loud clumsy spaz who laughs too much. Call me a kiss-up, but they're the teachers I hug at the beginning of every lesson. Then they don't pick on me all through that period. XD

But let's look at the other end of the spectrum. Geography, Gym, Math, French. Those teachers wish I would just drop dead [i actually faked that once in the corridor, but that's beyond the point.] They cannot stand me laughing/talking/hugging people in their lessons. Besides, I suck at those subjects. I often absent mindedly say something airheaded, and then get all smart with my backtalking. That's got me known as the girl who should be blonde. Jokingly, a couple of my guy friends who got really into the whole 'blonde joke' phase now replace 'a blonde' with 'Esther'. I don't really mind, though, because most of the jokes are funny. Not to mention the 'Esther moment' epidemic. But let's not get into that. I'm easily distracted, and some teachers don't appreciate that in a student, I find.

Medium student. I don't atually know. They inform my parents but they don't inform me.

I think I get along well with my teachers. I'm generally quiet and I get my work done.

Except for my Japanese teacher. I was really loud in that class near the beginning of the year, and I even toned it down so she wouldn't hate me so much. I get good marks on the tests, but she just doesn't like me. She yells at me for drawing, when Kayley sits right in front of her and draws the whole period, even showing sensei what she's drawing. I don't even draw - I doodle.

Most teachers think I'm a good student [because I'm a nerd 8]] But one teacher doesn't really like me, because I was fooling around in her class xD.
hmmm, ok then!

1rst per: One of the best violinist

2nd per: good student

3rd per: good student, (which is y im bullied)

4th per: not so good

5th-6th per: Perfect student

so there! =)

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