what do u do when ur bored?!?...


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Well-known member
Feb 14, 2007
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AZ peoria
[SIZE=14pt]what do u do when ur bored?! cause im ALWAYS bored and now that i can only b on the computer for 3 hours a day (wich sux!!!) and i dont like t.v. idky but it bores me even mor! so what ive been doing is just grab mi MP3 and go in mi room and listen ta it! so im kinda bored of that! so what do u do when ur bored?!!?!??!!?....PLZ POST!!![/SIZE]
Hm... you could go watch or rent a movie. You could read or study (probably the last thing you wanna hear, right?).

You could invent a game or story. You could take up a sport, go outside... draw...

There's a whole lot of stuff you can do, I'm just too lazy to type it all up.

lol ya i bet theres a lot of stuff ta do but i cant go any were im the only 1 home... and i cant go outside eather cause its 110 outside and theres a heat advisery so i cant go out side! and ive tried ta invent sumthen but...what is there 2 invent!!!!!!! like realy!! and study!?... i have no tests commen up and....i have no home work! :) yay! lol

I actually am never bored. I draw. Also, when I need to do something mindless I fold paper cranes.

how do u fold a paper crane?!........ i've made 1 befor in school it was an asinment it took almost every 1 like half anhour ta make!

Sounds like ADD, which I honestly think I have as well (which is why I make the comparison). I get bored easily and can't focus on much other than specific things (like my Tamas or the computer, stuff I REALLY like)...

I knew a lot of males in high school with ADD and they normally focused on mechanics (basically, cars) and were really good with that and focused, but had the attention span of a gnat with anything else.

Try finding a hobby you really enjoy, like playing with your Tamas or, better yet, some sport/exercise (walking, bike riding, swimming) to distract you. If you find it becoming a big problem that you're bored all the time, maybe get checked for ADD.


That focuses on ADD in adults (which, I partially looked up because of me thinking I have it) and I've read other sites in the past that list most of those symptoms, as well as it can be accompanied by poor memory (if you're forgetful) and dyslexia (I know I mix up letters and numbers some).

If you have some of those symptoms, other than getting bored easily, then maybe get checked... As I said, if you can spend hours on something (such as the internet) and get bored quickly with most other things, that's a good sign.

I know I have basically every one of those symptoms listed on that site, but I still need to schedule for a doctor. :angry:

Mind you, don't do this:

I don't know why, but when I'm bored I like to light matches to watch them burn. I guess its something to do with watching the flame eat away the wood. I always have water near by though in case of an acident. Its sort of like a mindless activity for me.

When I'm bored I go on the computer. If I can't then I go outside and play cricket for a while or play handball against the wall. I sometimes make animations of my guinea pigs and put them on my website too.

That focuses on ADD in adults (which, I partially looked up because of me thinking I have it) and I've read other sites in the past that list most of those symptoms, as well as it can be accompanied by poor memory (if you're forgetful) and dyslexia (I know I mix up letters and numbers some).

If you have some of those symptoms, other than getting bored easily, then maybe get checked... As I said, if you can spend hours on something (such as the internet) and get bored quickly with most other things, that's a good sign.

I know I have basically every one of those symptoms listed on that site, but I still need to schedule for a doctor. ;)
uh ya i think i might have that! ADD or what ever that is! ill have ta read the site thing ya gave me...when i get home...i gtg ta school rite now!

What about read a book like Harry Potter? they're addictive :D
Well, not everyone likes to read, I know I don't. ;) I also don't like Harry Potter, I have tried reading them... And I always stop, they're just not my thing (although I've seen the movies).

@ lilmissgotchi: ADD = Attention Deficit Disorder.

Often times you get on medication for it, which is sorta why I am holding off getting checked (I hate taking pills).

im the same way!!! i hate ta read!(i dont even like harry potter movies!) well im gunna go READ the page ya gave me

ya ok i red (i cantt spell good sry!) the thing and uh ya thats pretty much me! ^_^ so that stinks! i always thought i was normal! (in mi own way lol) but,...thanks for the site ta read!!!!

You're welcome. You're still "normal," a LOT of people have ADD, most don't even realize it.

Play games or go on the computer. Or sit back and see how bad school is for me, and how I have no special talent.

I mean how is talking/reading out loud, and being a fast typer cool?

Get on the computer.. Jump on the trampoline.. Watch TV.. Call friends..

I don't jump on the trampoline much... I consider myself too.. Accident-Prone.. XD

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