What do you do for your Tama?


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I just do a few things for my Tamas just to make them easier to manage. For instance, I keep all inactive tams in a huge wooden tackle box. I have lanyards for every one of them; color coordinated. My Santaclautchi is really lucky; it gets to live in our safe till Christmastime, when I take it out and activate it. Then it has its own cradle I made out of clay to sit in all holiday long.

I mixed blue and yellow Play-doh (I didnt have clay!) and made a tie-dyish holder which was like a flat bowl. My Tama just sits in there on the nightstand and "guards" my glasses. :D Im currently weaving a Tama holder /coin pouch.

I have made a little box for my Tama, I admit. It's an old mini cereal box with card pasted onto it, smothered with tama stickers and writing B) Inside it has cotton wool balls so that my little Tama doesn't get scratched. I put it in the case over night and sometimes when I'm watching TV.. I take my tama to the table with me and let it eat two burgers :D Oh, and when I go out I carry it in a mametchi purse thing. Or I used to, until I lost it Dx Now I just carry it the pouch I made for it :D So I'm properly addicted.

Lol, no i just have a small case i found lying around to keep my 3 tama's together i didn't go to any lengths to make them ''comfortable''

I keep my Tamas in an easter bunny box I made at school out of a small box and covered it with cotton balls and easter grass inside. I keep them on top of the easter grass.

I put effort into my tams, although I usually only take care of 1 at a time. I made a little cup/bed for him, and I usually put them on my headrest when I sleep. I carry them EVERYWHERE! They are like real pets to me.

To me its just a fun little toy/ simple video game. I leave mine by the computer since I always check my feeds and emails in the morning anyway -_-

this might sound weird but i do sooo much for my little tamas its not funny, i have them each a little bed to sleep in, they eat when i do, they sleep when i do and sometimes they come to school with me. i am thinking about making them a carrying case. :) :p


my tamas are my LIFE i also prevent from getting sracthes. once when i was little i use to cover them in tissue hehe but thats basically what i do for my tamas lolz :furawatchi: :furawatchi:


I dont do anything, I just am worrid because I slept in one day and it was a toddler and it didn't die! WHEW! I have a vioeltchi lanyard that I put on my neck rarly. My V4.5 got lost...but that was 3 years ago with a MAMETCHI on it. i didn't know that it was good care, it was my 2nd tama, my 1st was a P1.

i only have a music star (But im trying to get a v4 and a v5) but it eats when i eat sleeps when i sleep i only got 2 little tiny tiny starches on it

i take it everywhere even school so i think its a little human everything should be treated like u wanna be treated so i treat it like that i feed it when its hungry and i LOVE MY TAMAS

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well i dont think you need to make them all that stuff cause if you think about it they are just toys but if you want to make them that stuff then do cause it feels like they are happy :D

I have a heart-shaped tin in which I keep all my tamas. Only for when they are not active though.

I usually only have one tama running at a time, and in that case, I have a small round paper mache box, which I lined with felt on the inside. I keep the active tama in there at night. I used to use a lanyard as well, but not any more.

Well, when times are bad, I hold my tama Lisa to my heart because... Well I know it's a stupid thing to say but she...... Understands me. LOL! I play games with her (she needs to lose weight)

At some point, I will make a bed for my tama. I'm working on little houses for my dolls, so my tama and the dolls will be roommates (right now, they're staying in that Star Wars imperial walker I have. My tama got to sit in the pilot's seat once). I keep my tama on a chain around my neck when I'm around the house, and I slip him/her in my backpack when I'm at school. I also talk to my tama when my bro and I are playing video games. I'll ask him/her, "Does this seem fair to you, with all the me getting my butt kicked and all?" The response is always a silence, but I'm used to that, since I talk to my bro's fish all the time and they don't say much either. I also feed my tama certain foods in accordance with the time of day (cereal in the morning, sushi for dinner, etc.).

Heh, people are all like, "My tama is like a person" and I treat inanimate objects and animals the same way.

I'm not crazy. ;)

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