What do you do to make your tama happyer


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Well-known member
Jan 11, 2007
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Well when i had my v3 i used to talk to it , i made it a bed. I used to go places and say [ look this place its called .....] and more stuff. What do you do with your tama? Any good ideas are welcomed. Coz i am going to get a v4 and v5 so i want them to be happyer. Make them beds and stuff. Any one got a idea how to build something then reply so more people can read aswell. People that dont like this topic please dont reply [ this is stupid ] coz i will report you.

Interesting topic! :( When I had my v3, I made it a bed too! And it's own little house from a shoebox! And i also liked to customise it and make it my own! :( I put stickers on the back and my fave keychains hanging from it! Good luck!!


ps. Just a couple of minor corrections - happier is spelt with an 'i', not a 'y', and also, customising your tama and making it stuff will only make it happier in your mind - it won't increase happy hearts or anything!! ;)

Hmmm.... Well, I don't do anything like that, but if I was into it, I think what I would do would be to set it in my Petite Blythe's doll house overnight so they could keep each other company. Well, overnight, my Tamas would be asleep, but they could visit together in the morning before I got up, and also at times during the day, when my Tama was not on the lanyard around my neck. My Petite Blythe doll, Miss Violette Spice, lives in a 2 room house I put together from two dark green wooden crates. She has nice 'wrought iron' furniture that I found in a collectibles store, place mat 'rugs', original paintings on her walls, real (to scale) Mexican pottery, and lots of other cute accessories. I think she and Mikasukitchi would get along wonderfully. ;)

I still havent go any ideas. I nead to hear from you tamagotchi fans.

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