what do you do when you're hyper


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Well-known member
Sep 17, 2006
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what do you do when you're hyper?

i usually bake (i baked 2 dozen cookies last thursday...and then i broke them lol) and i also say things that dont make sense (if you look at the Funny Sayings Contest in the Fun stuff section of tamatalk you'll see there)

Aw jeez!!! What a mess. I eat cheese when i am hyper...


i crack up at anything, i can laugh at the word "pudding" and i also make all my friends crack up... i swear i'm going to be the longest living person in the world i laugh so much when i'm hyper! lol ^^

Jump up and down and run around the house wildly, LOL i like being hyper, but im not right at this instant.

I'm ussually hyper if im with my friends and eat candy, LOL ^^ yum yum les bon bon!


Run into walls mostly. Talk to myself more than usual, about even more random things than usual.

Yell random stuff (I LIKE CHOCOLATE MILK! or I LIKE CEREAL! my favorite BAA BAA BLACK SHEEP DO YOU...sheep? AHHHHHH!) or be crazy

kay well I know this may be all really stupid but..

I talk about ducks in Bichoggle going to the jewlery store and buying a cucumber there, then buying a toga and moving to Greece for the olympics! WOO POLE VAULT! XD Then they melt cheddar cheese on their matresses

Then I respond to the names "stupid" and "retard".

Then I have my laugh, friggle friggle friggle humnahumnahumna! XD

You guys are lucky you haven't seen that side of me yet XD

On Monday I'm going to get my friends to dance with me ;D

Yeah our substitute gave us cookies and I went all crazy ;P During the math test I was saying out loud "and then they.. and then they.. and then they.. and then they.." over, and over, and over and everyone was just liek crackeing up XP

I heart school. :)

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