What do you do with music disks?


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The music disk is for listening to music. The only other thing you need is a boom-box for your Tamagotchi to play the songs in. Here is a topic at Tamagotchi*Home that will help:

Quoted from Tamagotchipal3000:

I have found a trick for the boombox to not blow. When you use the music disc and it goes in the boombox, you will hear the hard core music. After the music ends, your Tamagotchi will still stay by the boombox turning its head left and right, over and over. When it is turning its head, do not push any buttons. Just let it turn its head. It will stop turning its head in several seconds and the boombox won't blow up and you will still have the boombox and the disc. If you press a button when the Tamagotchi is turning its head left and right, the boombox will blow up. That's what happened to me. I tried the above i put, and the boombox didn't blow up so I thought I should share this, since a lot of people's Tamagotchi's boombox kept blowing up.*Please Note: The music disc will be in the items list, go and trash the music disc, because if you use that music disc again, your boombox will blow up.

Hope this helps people.

. :huh:

The only way you can send one item form one Tamagotchi to another is by "Via Connection"with another Tamagotchi. This can only happen if you have a Tamagotchi Connection V2 ® or a Tamagocthi Connection V3 ®.

What you need to do is go to your friends list, and click on the section that says: "Present". Now you have two choices:



Click on the type of present you want to send. Now scroll throught the items/foods you own to wrap one at a time. Click on the present and there should be a question titled: "WRAP?", conferm your answer and you should see the item/food wrap before your eyes.

Now- all you have to do is connect with the "Same Version". On the Version 2, you need to connect a few times for the gift to travel to your friends' and on the version 3 you have three catagories to choose from:




Choose the "Present" category and connect! All you have to do is connect a few times, like the Vesion 2, to get the gift to be on your friends' Tamagotchi. :huh:


[SIZE=14pt]Here is a Version 2 Instruction Sheet.[/SIZE]

Here is a Version 3 Instruction Sheet.


If you wrap it, going to your booklet (The second last icon) and selecting presents. Then items, and select an item to wrap. Then connect!

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