What do you guys do when..


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rockstar 55

Well-known member
Sep 5, 2006
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If you can't take your tamagotchis school what do you guys do? Just let them suffer? For me that is the only option. So what do you guys do? I want to hear some replies! :wub:

I leave them at home in my room and pause them untill I get home from school. :wub: Don't try to take them to school, otherwise they will get taken away.

I keep them in my pockets and check on them when I go to the bathroom the flood the toilets. and yes, I do flood the toilets! XD! I do that until they overflow, that's sooooooo fun! Anyways, I turn the sound off and keep them in my pocket. I'm in 8th grade so I have 7 breaks per day, and I'm pretty good at hiding it in class :wub:

You are so lucky! I only have one brake in sixth grade! I have to keep mine at home and let it suffer! I feel as if I am being a bad parent! But it is the only thing I can do because it could get stolen. :wub:

If you leave them at home you should pause them. That way they can:

Turn into a good character

Not die

Not turn into a gozarutchi, masktchi, or megachi.

Well I can't because I have to wake up at 6:00 am. So I have to get ready for school and all that! :wub:

You don't have enough time to press 2 little buttons that take about 3 seconds? You could wake up, pause your tamagotchi by pressing button A then hold it down while pressing button B. Easy as eating a peice of pumpkin pie (yum!)

You don't understand I have to do so many things like pack my lunch, pack my backpack check if I have everything and then go to school. I only have 30 minutes for pete's sake! :wub:

You don't understand I have to do so many things like pack my lunch, pack my backpack check if I have everything and then go to school. I only have 30 minutes for pete's sake! :wub:
Please do not star a flame war!

Rockstar 55, it's not our fault that you don't have much time, try to do your best with it! Good luck on trying to find a way of keeping them paused! :wub:


Hey, I wake at 5.45 and i only have 10 minutes to pack for school and i can pause my tama.. Why can't you? If you can't, wake 5 seconds earlier and you'll be able to do it.

I can't believe I'm admitting this online (hope none of my teachers are secretly TamaTalk members!), but I actually once started a petition to have them un-banned at my school. It didn't work but we are having a Tamagotchi Day when people will bring their Tamas. I just bring it anyway. Never had it confiscated.

StarTama :hitodetchi:

Hey rockstar 55, why not pause it before you sleep on Sunday and unpause it Friday evening? It works for me... plus you get to concentrate on your studies...it's not winning that counts, it's patience...

ok this is really good advis, just before school set ur tamas time to midnight and turn of the sound and put it in ur bag. it will sleep all the way through school thats what i do. it still grows and it doesnt lose and hearts

Yeah, change the time and it should sleep thourgh the day. I'm not American, so I don't know how long school lasts 4 over there, but ur tama should sleep through the night.

Hope this helps


p.s, What grade would I b in if I was 11 on the 23rd July?

well I think my school allows them because I saw other people with them and nobody mentioned anything about them not being allowed except for one time i was playing with them and the Janitor said "don't bring those toys to school anymore" obviously, he doesn't know what they are. besides, last year i brang them a lot and the were around my neck and even the teachers asked what they were and they didn't say anything about them being not allowed, as long as we put the sound off. also, (they didn't say this but i think they want us to) of course, pay attention in class. but, I put my tamas in my locker and pause them, because so many people want to borrow them and most of them don't know how to work it so now i just keep them in my locker because I don't want them to die. But that idea is genious, Mametchi Lord. Btw Rey Misterio i'm American so here school usually ranges from 6 to 6 and a half hours. my school lasts for 6 and a half hours. As for your other question, the answers vary, so I can't answer that one.


kuchipatchiluver :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

Wow. You guys have a lot of cool ideas! I tell them to my friend 'cuz she needs help with this subject.

Well I can't because I have to wake up at 6:00 am. So I have to get ready for school and all that! :kuribotchi:
I wake up at 6:00 a.m. too. Try putting them next to some place that you always go in the morning (like the kitchen table where you eat breakfast, on top of your backpack, or some place like that). I haven't been able to play with my tamas for almost a week, but this afternoon when I got home from school, I unpaused them.

I pause my tamagotchis while I'm at school.

Well i'll try all these ideas guys. Thanks! If you have any more ideas post them here! :kuribotchi:

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