What do you like and dislike about Christmas


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Well-known member
Mar 26, 2006
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I love receiving gifts, spending time with my family and of, course, NO SCHOOL!

I absolutely hate the Christmas shopping. I went grocery shopping with my mum at the supermarket yesterday and it was completely hectic. There was hardly no breathing space and the queues were

I love the presents, of course, and all the happiness of Christmas. And Secret Santas, especially at school.. leaving hints in the lockers and wondering what you're going to get. Plus all the Christmas baking from random people.

What I don't like, is all the shopping, and the stores trying to lure you in. And all of the money that you spend/other people spend on you.

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I love receiving gifts, spending time with my family and of, course, NO SCHOOL!
I absolutely hate the Christmas shopping. I went grocery shopping with my mum at the supermarket yesterday and it was completely hectic. There was hardly no breathing space and the queues were
The queues were what?

The huge mess of wrapping paper you have to clean up after everyone is done opening presents. Dislike-button

Thats why I'm not wrapping this year, I'm packing the pressies in gift bags.

The Food. Like-Button.

Ahh, my family doesnt really make a huge deal about Christmas...

I just hate that I still have to practice my stuff...

I like family and food and presents.

I like 7 weeks holiday, sun and waking up to look at what Santa bought me.

I dislike the fact Daddy has to work 5.30am till 5.30pm Christmas day.

I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE the stupid Christmas Shows that replace everything... D:

But I love all the presents

I hate having to turn on the TV, or the radio and hearing non-stop stuff about Christmas when it's not even gonna be happeningg for anotherr 2 weeks.

But other than that it's a really good holiday, tons of fun to spend with family and friends. I just kinda wish that I had school on Christmas (I know, that's a first xD), so that I could go around crazy with my friends.

I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE the stupid Christmas Shows that replace everything...
I couldn't agree with you more.

And All the Fun shows, are usually repeats of Christmas episodes that airs every-year.

The boxing day sales that go on until February.

You have to wait until you open your presents.

(Somtimes) You need to wait until your parents are done getting the camera, or finishing their tea and/or coffee.

The boxing day sales that go on until February.You have to wait until you open your presents.

(Somtimes) You need to wait until your parents are done getting the camera, or finishing their tea and/or coffee.

Last year, my cousin, my sister, and me made a deal with our grandma. If we washed the dishes, and dried them, we got to open the first presents.

When we finally finished, we ran downstairs and my cousin and sister opened their gifts. Then my aunt comes along, and gives a present to her son! I got so mad at her, but never told her. It was hectic, everybody was opening their gifts at the exact same times, and nobody got to see wut other people got



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Hates: Shopping. Lining up. Not knowing what people want and when you ask them they respond with "I dunno" or "I dont mind". The shows. And the music they play in shops xD

Likes: Everything else..

Likes: Getting people things they really want, getting things I really want, finding a Christmas tree and decorating it.

Dislikes: People who say "I don't care/get me anything/I don't know" when you ask what they want for Christmas, crowded malls, feeling rushed to find a good present for everybody, having to wait for everyone in the house to wake up before opening presents.

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Something I really really really hate about Christmas this year is that it didn't even snow until today. And I don't even know if it could be considered snow. We're going to have what could nearly be considered whiteout conditions all of the sudden, the day before Christmas. :<

I also loathe the constant Christmas carols on most of the radio stations, and the hectic stores.

I love wrapping gifts, and the big tubes you have left over that my sister and I used to have sword fights with. :3

And the family visits, and the amazing food, and the presents, and watching my younger cousins' faces when they open their presents, and the hot chocolate. :)

I like most things about Christmas :)

The only things I don't like are:

-Huge shopping lines.

-Cleaning up the wrapping paper

-Travelling to see relatives. We always go to their place but they have never come to ours.

I like giving and receiving presents and visiting family I only get to see once per year.

I hate all the stress that comes along with holiday shopping and travel.

I like:

-Receiving presents

-Christmas party

-Christmas vacation xD

-Wrapping gifts.

I dislike:

-Nonsense gifts

-Cleaning the left overs after Christmas party

-Buying gifts.

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