What do you reccomend


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tama anime

Well-known member
Oct 14, 2009
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New Zealand
Should I get an ID or a color? I think the color is really good, and so is the ID, the color looks fun while the ID looks more appealing! The color might be to "girly" but then again the ID might be as well. I am not going to buy Hexen-whatever thing because that's more like an advertisement. I NEED HELP! I am teared between the two! And also, where do you think I should put my log for it, Ttalk or Tama Zone? Cause on Tama Zone you can put photos actually ON the page instead of just a link to a photo site. But if I did a log on Tama Zone I would't be loyal to Ttalk which I registered to first and I don't know. HELP ME!

iD is better for someone who has had experience with the original Colour. If you haven't, get the COlour first, and then get the iD later.
Thanks, I've decided to get the Tamagotchi Color.

Get the I.D. It has a ton of new features. For example, your tamagotchi can put on outfits and wear them as much as he/she wants. There is also a mailbox feature, along with new places ( Seacrest, Out,). :angry: :D

Both are good--the iD has different features than the Color. If you can see your way clear to do so, buy both.

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