What do you think of those Tama lanyards?


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Do you like the Tamagotchi lanyards?

  • Heck yeah! I'm gonna go buy a whole bunch and put em on everything!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yeah... I'll go buy one...

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I already have a Tamagotchi, how much more of my money does BanDai want?!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'll buy a couple just to set em on fire!!!!!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • What's a Tamagotchi lanyard? Is it tasty?

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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I voted the top answer but I am thinking, I already have alot of tamas, and how much money does BanDai want from me? A hundred-thousand dollars?

I love them! Too bad I broke of all my tamas chains but I could just take a peice of thin cloth with velcro sewn to each end and that would work! :D So I need some fabric and velcro. For now The just sit in front of me. XD


I think they're cute, but I'm not planning on getting one. For one thing, at my school you have to wear uniforms, and 2, people would make fun of me :lol:

My friend has one, but it says "boy crazy" on it! I might get one, but do you know when v3 is coming out in England?

:angry: :wacko: :huh: :wacko: :ph34r:

best regards xxx

i dont know what they arre

but i might buy one

illsave my money

I love them!!!! I realllllly want to get one! But my parents hate lanyards so I might not get one... :mametchi:

I would LOVE to have one to keep my tama save, having it in my pocket where it can easily slip out onto the group is a big worry when I'm outside, and I hate pausing my tama for that kind of thing.

I want to get one but my parents say I'm too old to be carrying Tamagotchi's around my neck. My dad says anyone who wears them are immature...cheh...I still want one.

They are US $9.99, waaaaaay overpriced! But I am going to get one! ^_^

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