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I think I could only kill a person if it was in defense of myself or my family.

And by defense I don't mean "Omfg he slapped me so I put a knife through his eye socket zomfgbbq".

If it was just me, I guess it would depend on how severe the situation was. I don't know if I would fight to save myself or not, but probably.

But if someone was threatening my children, (or really any children) with a weapon and was really, genuinely putting that person in a situation that might be life threatening I would kill them with no second thoughts. That's an easy choice for me, I'd kill them in any way I could. Especially if they were my own children.

As for the "revenge" aspect, if it was my parents or a cousin or something, as much as I hate to say it I think I'd be able to suck it up. But if someone were to kill my children I think I would consider my options. But when I think about it, I'd probably kill them. I know that it wouldn't bring said family member back, but why should this person be allowed to live when my loved one isn't?

Oh, and just to clear this up, I don't have any children. It's an if situation.

Well, my view on this is linked to that old saying "two wrongs don't make a right".I believe that's true in this case.

If some psychopath killed my loved ones, I would be prepared to kill them, and make it painful. But I don't think I would actually do it. I'd have to find some other way to get rid of my anger. I'd look to Jesus (my religion does come into this) for love and support, and I know I could eventually pull through.

But it would be far, far, far from easy.

As for self defence, yes, I would kill someone if they were genuinely about to kill me. Not if they came up to me and punched me - in that case, I'd just run and scream. I'm good at that.

But if they were actually going to kill, I'd rather be the one to finish them off.
I agree on this

If someone killed someone I loved, I would try and kill them.

Also for self-defense, I would kill them before they tried to kill me or someone else.

Is that 'Zaa oh my gosh freaking good barbeque'?
It's whatever you want it to be XD

I just applied some random letters.

For all I care it could be "Zaa oh my freaking gosh beer battered quintuplets".


I'm going to be honest.

If someone was trying to kill someone I love, myself, or anyone, and I had the ability to kill them, I would. I seem to be extremely protective, and instinctive when it comes to things like this. I would not let someone innocent die at the hand of someone bad. If someone illed someone I love, I know, that whether I consciously wanted to or not, I would do everything in my power to kill them. There is nothing that would be able to keep me from trying to - avenge, if you will, - someone I love.

I really don't want to talk about this 'cause one of my loved ones was killed, but seriously, I'd just curse them out!!!

' date='February 10, 2009 09:05 pm'] It's whatever you want it to be XDI just applied some random letters.

For all I care it could be "Zaa oh my freaking gosh beer battered quintuplets".

I love beer batter and have always been interested in tasting a human. Omnomnomnom.

Still, I wouldn't kill, unless they thretnd to kill ME, or MOM, DAD, SISTER, anything in advanced, cause then it'll be done and over with.

If everyone went by the 'do not kill' motto of life, there would be a lot less grief and...savave-ness? LOL.

The whole world would be a lot more peaceful.

What goes around comes around.

If someone was to kill one of my family members, then if I got the opportunity, I would kill him. You can't just go around and kill innocent people, then come out alive. It's not right. That person, no matter what, deserves to die, whether I'm the one to kill him or not.

If it was self defense, like if someone was in my house robbing me or attacking me, of course I would kill them. I felt threatened so I had to defend myself.

Those are the only two scenarios that I would say that it's ok to kill someone. Legally, it's not, but I feel that it should be. Those people, even if they are not killed by me or a regular person, should get the death penalty.


I agree.

It is NOT okay to just go all "murder-happy" and just randomly have a spree.


I do believe I WOULD get...revenge? If me, family, or friends were threatened.

If it wern't illegal then I would..

Only if someone was coming at me wearing a hockey mask, wielding a machette (did i spell that right?), and getting ready to stab me in the heart or chest or something would I kill someone.

*darts eyes back and forth*

I really gotta lay off the horror movies.

It's never okay to kill someone innocent, EVER, but if they threatened me or one of my family members, then it's a totally different story. People who kill innocent people or who threaten to kill, would be the only exception. I hate how all these people who murder innocent people are getting away with it. In my opinion, they deserve a death penalty. Whoever they killed didn't have a chance at life, so why should they?

Um...I'd only kill someone in defense. =/

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I don't think you have the right to kill someone else unless they don't respect your right to live.

So, if they try to kill you, you kill them. Defend yourself.

Or like somebody said, if Osama Been Laden is trying to blow up the white house, you would be dumb to let him escape.

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