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I probably would only kill someone in self-defense or if someone broke into my house during the night when I was in bed. I keep my loaded shotgun in our bedroom just in case.

I don't think it's okay to kill another living person.

Because you didn't just kill off some random human. You could have killed a parent, a sibling, a best friend, a love. It's wrongful to just take that all away from someone who was completely healthy. It's a different story if this person was in a coma, and their family had decided to pull the plug. With that, you know that they probably won't come back, or will come back with horrible repercussions. But a healthy person has their whole life ahead of them.

I think it's okay for self defense, but otherwise, no, it's not okay. If you were in a situation where you had to kill to live, your first thought would be to kill.

If I had to protect my family's life if we were being threatened, yes, I'd kill the attacker. I'm sure all of the high court would agree with me by saying it's better to have 1 bad person to be dead than a whole innocent family.

But to kill for revenge or for a random reason, NO!

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No. I'm against killing another person. No matter what the circumstance.

I could go into a whole religious view about it...

But thats offensive to some people I suppose.

Anyway I just don't think it's right to take another life. Even if they took the life of someone I really loved.

I do think that they should be put in jail, but the death penalty is a little far.

I don't believe ever taking a life is right...but there are times when its nessicary.

What if someone was threatning you with a knife, and you knew your life would come to an end if you didn't do something?

Would you fight back? What if fighting back wasn't enough to stop them? What would you do then?

Why should an INNOCENT person lose their life, and not the guilty person?

Killing another person is only acceptable in extreme cases when it's for self-defense.

But then again, isn't that always the excuse for a murder? "Self-defense"?

My opinion still stands strong though; I don't agree with killing, unless it's absolutely a must for your own protection.

I'd kill someone if they were going to kill me. duhh.

But otherwise I don't see another reason to kill someone..

Very prejudice- and wrong. No one deserves that.

Everyone.. has a choice.

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