What do you want v5 Tama Expo to have?


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I wish the pavillions had more stuff on them, rather than just the Gotchi Employment Centre and the town hall. At the moment I don't really get the point of the town halls- all there is in it is a survey and the survey is the same for all of the town halls.

I also think there should be mroe you can do besides just play games like in the original tamatown how they had like the movie theatre, the king, etc.

Rightnow it is reaslllllyyy boring!

uh make it so it's not always having a "trafic jam" lol i have never been able to get on there EVER!

uh make it so it's not always having a "trafic jam" lol i have never been able to get on there EVER!
Sometimes I find it easier to get on the Japanese TamaEXPO instead, at famitama.com.

If you go to that site and then choose Japanese as your language you can... actually, I won't spoil the surprise.

Dear member that are one tamatalk

i am sorry that i was Rude, disrespectful, cursing at others, swearing,flaming,shaming,spaming i feel soo sad right now. So i am leaving and i am never coming back

Err, you are still here...

The tama EXPO needs more pavillions, because they only have four paviilions
Well, before they go adding more pavilions, they should finish up the ones they have.

I think the Expo is pretty cool, but I liked the V4 one better cause it had more stuff, but the EXPO is still under construction so I'm not really judging it right now..

hey you!!! you copied my topic!!!! no copying!!!! :puroperatchi:
while its true that you can't duplicate topics, Mametchi 4ever has made this topic in April, much before yours. since you made this same topic after his, your're the one that has duplicated his topic.

Oh, and I also wanted to tell memetchi107 that she (or he) has absolutely no right to accuse the author of this topic of plagarism, considering the fact that their topic was made a long time before yours. Please do not make false accusations, for the accuser will be reported for causing a disturbance that destroys the peace of these forums. Have a good day!



Original TamaTown (never seen it, so it'd be fun) more pavillions, MORE GAMES, your own house would be pretty cool.. disagree on the prices, that's the fun of high priced items - it inspires you to want to play more games up until you can afford the item!

Also, here's another idea. A kind of chat or socializing area... I guess like Habbo Hotel (never played it, but if it's what I think it is then yeah) or Furcadia or whatever. You can socialize with other Tama friends, and your character you walk around as could be your Tama itself, or a person (like in Pokemon or Digimon World 3) with your Tamas following you...
