What do your PARENTS think about Tamagotchis?


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Well-known member
Jun 6, 2011
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I remember since v1, my dad would go to Toys R Us every few weeks and buy me the latest version of Tamagotchi. Then before I went to bed, he would sneak it under my pillow, and when I fluffed it up, I would run around the house excited. Then my parents would take it away and I'd have to wait till morning to use it :angry: But I would be so happy! My dad thinks they're kinda cute, my older sister LOVES them, and my Mom doesn't really care. My birds love to imitate the sounds they make ;) My dad pretends he hates them but once I caught him trying to play a game :lol: :lol: :lol: Then... if I play them at dinner time or during a meal, my dad says "Listen, put away your Yamagutchis." My parents really don't mind. But when I get a rare character and I show it off, my parents seem to be happy that I take care of all of my pets: dog, cat, 2 birds, and 3 Tamas :lol: :furawatchi: :lol: :furawatchi:

So what do YOUR parents think about Tamagotchis? Have any interesting stories that explain why they like'dislike them?

My dad hated all virtual pets from Tamagotchi to Poo-Chi. To him the only thing a guy should be interested in is Sports. We didn't get along most of the time. I'll leave it at that. It helps that I've been grown since Tamagotchis came out and had my own money to spend.

My mom on the other hand supports me. She likes my robot dogs. She's even going to buy me some Zhu Zhu Puppies for my birthday next month. Things like Tamagotchi and Furby she's not so fond of. She doesn't mind me having them and has even bought me Furbys for Christmas. She just doesn't care for them herself.

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My parents don't really mind at all, just as long as I pay for them myself and put it on mute if the noise starts getting annoying. They'll even listen to me rattle on about the latest version. However they do think it's a little immature of me to still be playing them. My mom once asked me why I was playing with them again and I told her "it's better than me paying attention to boys" which she really couldn't deny. ;)

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My parents are the worst. Lucky CherubHorse, having a dad who would actually buy you Tamas! I have to buy all my own with all my money and my dad has to do an hour of researching to see if the Tama is good enough. They keep telling me to pause it all the time and we get into huge arguments whenever I bring up that the "pet" part is actually half of "virtual pet". I think my mom thinks of it more like "virus-like bet". My dad thinks of it more like "machine toy that you shouldn't use too much".

My parents don't care. I have two jobs and as long as I take care of my real pets first (and bills) they don't care what I waste my money on. I guess their thought process is "Well... at least it's not drugs".

My parents are mixed about me having tamagotchis. My Dad cannot stand them hence why I must always keep them on mute should I play with them, or he'll take them and smash them all. I don't think he would, he's probably trying to scare me. But either way, he does not like tamagotchis in the slightest. He just thinks they're virtual emperors that demand you to cater to their needs. He thinks they're just peices of useless metal and plastic.

My mum however adores them. She likes their cute animations and the games. She even has tamagotchis of her own. We talk about tamagotchis a lot and connect together. She's really good at looking after them. She is always the one who buys me my tamas and approves of them. Whenever the latest version's out, without me saying a word, she drives me down to the local toy store and lets me buy two! Talk about cool, :p

The rest of my family doesen't have the slightest clue about what they are anyway. XD My older cousin used to have one ages ago (since she's 24 now.) She doesen't remember much about them though.

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My parents dont like them that much. My mom is the ultimate tama murderer. She says that they ruin my eyes and by time I'm grown, I'll be blind if I keep on playing with them. She can't even say "Tamagotchi" she eiether calls them "Yamatotchi" "Yamagotchi" or a "game" She even takes them away when I try to correct her. My dad, on the other hand sort of likes them. I show off my cute characters on my ID and he'll watch it bob around the screen xD He doesn't care too much for the black-and white pixel ones though. The only thing that bothers me, is when I ask for a new tama, he'll give me $2 and will tell me to go buy a tama with it.

He won't believe me. I tried explaining that my iD cost $80 and he said they most likely cost $2 for the colour ones and $0.50 for the pixel ones.
Hahahaha nice ;)

Show him the prices on ebay or amazon or target ect. Then he'll believe you ;)

My parents are okay with my tamagotchis, although really neither of them are too judgmental anyways. Mom always calls them my kids, and she seems fairly impressed at what the little tiny guys can do. Dad lets me borrow one of his screwdrivers to change the batteries, and if something is wrong he checks the batteries with his voltmeter to make sure they're good. My parents don't buy tamas for me unless it's Christmas or my birthday, but that's how it is with a lot of things. XD

Honestly with this sort of thing I'm more worried about what my brother thinks, but he seems to be okay with my tamas too. At least they don't set him off on a rant like Pokemon do. :|

My parents kinda give me a look that says, "You still play with those toys?". But other than that they could care less.

my parents don't think I should play with tamas, because it is a weird obsession that I formed after meeting my friend. My parents said NO straight away when I asked them for one on trademe that is like, $1 NZD

They won't buy me fancy stuff like DS's or anything either because they'd rather have me STUDYING and being a GOOD GIRL. My mum also says they are bad for your eyes.


QUOTE: "It is a waste of time. You already have SIX!" - Dad

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My dad and my mum and okay with them, but they don't really like them. They say that I spend too much time on them and so does my mum sometimes. My dad or mum would never even lend a few coins for me to buy a tamagotchi. If i ask for one for my birthday they would get me one. I only have 5 because whenever I get another one they always complain "You already have 4!!!!!!!!! YOU ARE ADDICTED TO THEM!!!!". In the end they end up saying well ok, it's your money. I wish my mum and dad could buy me tamagotchis. :(

My dad and my mum and okay with them, but they don't really like them. They say that I spend too much time on them and so does my mum sometimes. My dad or mum would never even lend a few coins for me to buy a tamagotchi. If i ask for one for my birthday they would get me one. I only have 5 because whenever I get another one they always complain "You already have 4!!!!!!!!! YOU ARE ADDICTED TO THEM!!!!". In the end they end up saying well ok, it's your money. I wish my mum and dad could buy me tamagotchis. :(
FOUR?!?!?!?! I have thirteen and they only started to say I'm addicted when I got my 12th Tama (Angelgotchi). I explain that they are made for collecting and keeping up with new versions, and anyway they break, then they ask why I don't throw away the broken ones. I scream at them inside my head "THAT WAS MY OLDEST EVER TAMA! IT LIVED TO BE LIKE 30!" or "MY FIRST CHARACTER, SKY THE MEMETCHI, WAS RAISED IN THAT OLD FADED SCREEN!" or something that indicates the real emotional value of my old Tama's. But I don't say it out loud, just as I won't let them see my Tama log, because simply stating that my Chamametchi is cute will send my mom yelling at me for over an hour and being bad tempered for a week.

Weird thing is my parents actually like them. xD I tell my mom about the characters I get and she watches them jump around, and my dad helps to fix them(Like my Angelgotchi) whenever something happens. Sometimes it I leave them at home not on pause accidentally my mom will take care of it for the day. xD They don't mind me buying them off of ebay or Walmart or something, as long as I pay for them. But they did get me a Color for my birthday, and a Nano and Angelgotchi for Christmas. xP I even tell them about things on Tamatalk, since they see me on it all the time. xD

And even sometimes if I leave it in the kitchen and I go to my bedroom and it beeps, my mom will yell out "Tama's beeping! It has something over it's head!" So I'll have to run out and do whatever. But she cleans up the poop sometimes which is nice. xD

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I remember since v1, my dad would go to Toys R Us every few weeks and buy me the latest version of Tamagotchi. Then before I went to bed, he would sneak it under my pillow, and when I fluffed it up, I would run around the house excited. Then my parents would take it away and I'd have to wait till morning to use it :angry: But I would be so happy! My dad thinks they're kinda cute, my older sister LOVES them, and my Mom doesn't really care. My birds love to imitate the sounds they make ;) My dad pretends he hates them but once I caught him trying to play a game :lol: :lol: :lol: Then... if I play them at dinner time or during a meal, my dad says "Listen, put away your Yamagutchis." My parents really don't mind. But when I get a rare character and I show it off, my parents seem to be happy that I take care of all of my pets: dog, cat, 2 birds, and 3 Tamas :lol: :furawatchi: :lol: :furawatchi:

So what do YOUR parents think about Tamagotchis? Have any interesting stories that explain why they like'dislike them?
how u make those faces?? give a n00b a hand pls!

When I got my first tamagotchi My parents could care less but if you really want to know my opinion I honestly think my parents like them.

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