What does a full training bar mean?


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Well-known member
Mar 13, 2006
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Just wondering, what does a full training bar mean, when you acheieve it, what is it supposed to do and if it's low or nonexistant , like if you only have two bars, what does that mean and or affect? does it affect what type of character your tama is gonna be?

This should be in the 'Help for new Tamagotchi Pet owners' forum. But anyways.

Full training bars mean your Tamagotchi won't call for no reason, and it will go bathroom by it's self. Which is an awesome feature! :lol:

That really depends, what version are you referring to? Like memetchi <3 says, on the Tama-Go, when you have a full training bar, it can be potty trained.

As for previous versions, the training can determine the character you'll get. They will still call for no reason with a full bar, but they won't count really..

If you mean a connection v1-v4.5, it dosen't compleatley mean it won't call for no reason and such things, even though those events will become rarer, your tama will simply be nicer, you won't achive anything special really :p

I usually (except when I am experimenting charachters) reach full training somewhere in the middle of teen stage, and I've never even really had a tama with low training, so I don't really know what the consequenses of low training might be, but I think it is just that it gets nicer the more training you've got! ;)

Hope I helped!

~lolokotchi~ :furawatchi:

it means that you've done a great job disiplining your pet! nice job :p haha :) xD

When you get a full training bar it just means that youve trained and disciplined your tama well. once you get full training it doesnt affect your tamas health or skill points But it will keep beeping for praise or timeout it just wont get any more training. :furawatchi: :furawatchi:


Hope i helped


:wacko: :wacko: :lol:

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