What does Christmas mean to you?


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Well-known member
Apr 3, 2007
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Egg nog, family, decorating the tree, heavy metal, and lightsaber fights with my brother. lol. :mellow: :D

Christmas, to me, is supposed to be about love and magic.

It's supposed to be a time when everything is magical and wishes come true.

Family comes together to celebrate, an love is in the air.

I dunno, but thats what it means to me anyways.

Egg nog, family, decorating the tree, heavy metal, and lightsaber fights with my brother. lol. :D :p
Umm, deckorations, food/sweets, family, snow, and mostly:


Um... The Birth of Jesus, spending time with your family & friends, big Christmas dinners, presents, love. :D

~ Bethiee. :]

It's of course, about the birth of Jesus. But also a time to get together with your family and have everyone be happy. And giving and receiving gifts is always nice. :]

Umm, deckorations, food/sweets, family, snow, and mostly:
Omg! I 4got about jesus! Srry jesus! >.<

You guys realise that there r sum jewish ppl here, right? :D :p :(

Erm. Hiding from relitives who make a fuss over you
LOL, same here. Also about Jesus, presents, not eating turkey (I'm vegetarian, turkeys should enjoy Christmas too!) and pretending to like my relatives.

Staying up late and staring at our tree.

Christmas has a really calm feeling surrounding it, sometimes I stay up all night just to feel it.

It's really nice.

I like to stare out the window at all of the lights, and the snow, and sometimes I'll go out on the front steps. The presents are nice, but they're not my favorite part.

The best part about getting presents though for me, is when you get one from someone you totally didn't expect to get one from. I always feel so good because it makes me feel like someone cared enough to treat me well.


I also love shopping for people x3

I'm not a Christian, nor do I believe in God, but I can't help but participate in this holiday. It's too nice to miss.

I'm not sure if Christmas has a particular meaning to me, mainly just that I get to have some time off school and stare at beautiful things.

And receive gifts from people who care.

But there are some things about Christmas that suck horribly >_<

Like the family members that you hate gathering at your house to bother you for hours.

The excuse to over eat.

The kids who cry when they find out Santa isn't real.

And the worst thing of all is the carolers. x_x

But whatever.

First and foremost - The birth of Jesus Christ. :)

Christmas bonuses: The tinsel, trees, glitter, presents, stockings, decorations, carol, holidays, snow, mince pies, Christmas dinner, Santa, nativity, etc..

A day when my brothers argue over who got the biggest presents.

And the decorations, presents, fancy lunch and family time are nice.

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