What Does Topics To Be Deleted Mean?


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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2006
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Playing with my Tamagotchi
Well, I was just looking at all the new posts and I came across this post which was apparently in a forum called TOPICS TO BE DELETED, all in capitals like that. What in the world does that mean? I tried to view both the forum AND the topic, but it said I wasn't logged in when I could clearly see the words Logged in as: StarTama . What does this mean? I think there may have been an error, maybe it has something to do with the double-Admin thing is it just my computer? Wait a second, I will edit this message to show the topic name (sorry, I can't link to it, seriously nothing about this topic works!). I went back to POSTS SINCE YOUR LAST VISIT. All the other posts were there, but strangely enough, the topics to be deleted one was GONE. Vanished. I will PM a Guide, this is weirding me out. Can anyone explain it? Sorry if this topic is in the wrong place, I have a bad feeling that it is... Please move it if necessary!

StarTama :)

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Well, probably a Guide made a note that the Topic needed to be deleted and then deleted it! :) What was the topic title?


That forum acts like a 'trash can' for posts to be deleted. :( The reason it asked you to log in again was because your account cannot access the forum (only Guides and Admin can view it). :D Nothing to worry about. :D

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Oh. I thought it might be something like that, thanks Jappyx, it was creeping me out a bit... A hidden forum! Now that is kinda spooky :D . So topics can be deleted? I thought they could only be closed :D Okay, we'd better close this topic now!

StarTama :(

P.S. I forgot the topic title but (as you can see from Jappyx's post!) I wasn't imagining it or lying.

closed at request of topic starter

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