What grinds your gears?


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Well-known member
Jun 1, 2007
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Atlanta, Georgia.
You know what really grinds my gears?

No, I'm kidding.

You know what really gets me mad?

I can list a million things:




4.Annoying people

5.Little brothers/sisters*

6.Pageant shows**

*I dont not have any

**Just when it's unfair. You have to pay to win in a pageant show usually. The girl with most money wins. That fact shattered my dreams.

What grinds your gears?

-People who joke others


-When I see kids listening to rap (about drugs and sex)

-People messing up my room

-My math teacher

and that's all I'm going to say for now. :3

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-Improper grammar of any sort

-people making fun of other people, just for kicks


-generally ignorant people


-high-pitched noises

-the girls that act like airheads for attention

-the people who use dating as a popularity contest, and have since they were in the 5th grade

...the list goes on and on. XD

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when my sister makes clicking sounds (ack!!! you don't know how annoying it gets!!!!!)

bullies (espeacially the ones that call you bad words 24/7)

when people keep asking me the exact same question and I've already answered it.

and most of all......people that say tamagotchi sucks. I hate it when people say that! it makes me so angry!


Bryon. B)

Anti-2D gamers

"Txt Tlk"

My brother

Annoying voices

Listed from most annoying (top) and less annoying (bottom).

Cecib :eek:

I hate it when a guy you absolutely hate likes you... They try to act all tough, say they drink and bash people up, saying they've been arrested, say they've driven underage, swear every second word and put others down...

So in a nutshell I hate people who boast, act all tough when they're not, bullies, criminal idiots, excessive swearing and arrogance.

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I just hate when Im ignored. It makes me feel like my friends are talking about me all the time.

I also hate Show offs


None of these are in any order, whatsoever. They're all on the same page, if you know what I mean.

1) Too much 'txt tlk'/bad grammar in a sentence. I don't mind a few flaws here and there, but there are some people in this world that do it JUST to annoy you.

2) Sexist people.

3) Racist people.

4) Labels. -zomglabelseww- D:

5) People that think gay, bi, and/or straight people are "gross".

6) People that think the world of themselves.

7) Beauty contests. It brings people down about their apperances D:<

8) Bullies.

9) Excessive swearing. Like people that swear 10 times in a sentence.

10) SPAM. THAT drives me up the wall, no questions asked.

11) People that judge you by your apperance.

12) Attention seekers.

I could fill this whole topic up with things that drive me up the wall. But I'm pretty sure none of you want to hear me ranting on and on ;)

MySpace Lurkers.

rawr. those people should get lives and stop keeping track of comments i've posted and recieved and who's on my tops x.X


not cool. probably never will be.


go showoff to to people who care.


stop stereotyping. we're all people:)




need i say more?

&the list goes on.

MySpace Lurkers.rawr. those people should get lives and stop keeping track of comments i've posted and recieved and who's on my tops x.X


not cool. probably never will be.


go showoff to to people who care.


stop stereotyping. we're all people:)




need i say more?

&the list goes on.
Ugh i hate it when people do that on myspace...ITS MYSPACE!

When people put their hand in my fance. If they dont wnat to listen to me, they can interup and say "Sorry, but I dont want to listen right now." If they put their hand in my face, im just about the bit them when they pull away.

All the Grade 5's in my class. I'm a 5/6 spilt, and when I simply even ask "Hey, do you know what time it is?" they snap back with a mock or a taunt. Its a simple question!


The people who get all worked up over SARCASM. You know that show, video on trial? A WHOLE bunch of people get work up over it! Saying "OMG THEIR DISSING EVANECNECES OMGO MG" Or "OMG LOOK THEY HATE JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE!!!!!!11 RACISTS" I scream at them "SHUT UP. Its their JOB. its SARCASM. They only point out bad things for JOKES."

People who say "You were born" when I say "You wanna know what happend one time and it was scary and horrible?".

A girl in my school who's in grade 4 and brags about how she has a bunch of guys wanting to date her and wears bras. One time my mom was handing out balloons (She works at a pary store) because There were a bunch of leftovers. There was a group around her, and I just wanted to cut infront to ask for the keys to the house (I live right down the street). Then she said (The grade 4) "Get to the back of the line! I can ask my daddy to beat you up!!!!" I then bent down to her level and pronounced while growling "I'm her daughter, Big Mouth." She shrank, And I put her in her place. *Shot for rambling)

None of these are in any order, whatsoever. They're all on the same page, if you know what I mean.

1) Too much 'txt tlk'/bad grammar in a sentence. I don't mind a few flaws here and there, but there are some people in this world that do it JUST to annoy you.

2) Sexist people.

3) Racist people.

4) Labels. -zomglabelseww- D:

5) People that think gay, bi, and/or straight people are "gross".

6) People that think the world of themselves.

7) Beauty contests. It brings people down about their apperances D:<

8) Bullies.

9) Excessive swearing. Like people that swear 10 times in a sentence.

10) SPAM. THAT drives me up the wall, no questions asked.

11) People that judge you by your apperance.

12) Attention seekers.

I could fill this whole topic up with things that drive me up the wall. But I'm pretty sure none of you want to hear me ranting on and on :)
Everything you said.

And when the boy at school that everyone hates gets so desperate for a girlfriend that he'll ask out any random girl he can find, including me. I hate it when people are just so shallow that they have to LOOK for a boyfriend or girlfriend. I don't like to think of people as disposables, or something that can be used when you feel like it.

Makes me gag.




Dr Phil.

People who have nothing better to do then insult you on the internet/real life. (especially internet)

Fake people.



People that say everything you like sucks just for kicks. Like my sister's bratty friend.

Two faced people.

When my friend laughs at me when I'm upset about something. She doesn't understand that even though I make jokes, I still can be serious. Even when I say "I'm serious!!" she doesn't believe me.

People who shove their religion down other's throats.


People who think they are the coolest person in the world.

The people who go "oh stop whining about your problems! there are people in the world who are starving and you're crying about breaking up with your boyfriend?! (or whatever)" I mean come on. Everyone has problems that they get mad about.

Parents who are super strict and overprotective.

Parents who tell me and my friends that if we go to the park alone we need a guy with us.

Being ignored and left out. My friends have done that and it freakin hurts.

Little kids from 4-10. I'm not saying all kids that age, but most of them drive me up the wall. I wouldn't last 1 minute babysitting, that's for sure.

Adults who think kids and teenagers are dumb.

Girls who brag about their chest size. (coughmyfriendcough)

People who get mad the second you disagree with them.


Bossy people.

wow that was long. :)

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