what if you had 3 wishes


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I'd wish for:

-My crush ♥ (always at the top of my wish list ;) )

-That all my decesed pets were still alive.


that school blow up
i had millions of dollars

and that i was queen
I sure hope that school didn't blow up. xD How would we get an education?

I'm kinda like kk445.

The world was 100% peaceful, except small quarrel. (No war, world hunger, etc. etc.)

To be together with my crush forever

Everyone lived long, healthy, happy lives.

1. There were no problems in the world (No hunger, war, etc.)

2. I could be BFFs with Fall Out Boy and Panic! At The Disco xD

3. No more labels (Emo, nerd, etx.)

Here's my wishes.

~Naturally straight hair, and I mean as straight as this line: _________ with no flip or anything on the end

~To gain 20 LB and not be able to loose them.

~For me and my boyfriend, Blaine, to be together forever (I love him!)

If I could, my 3rd wish would be 3 more wishes.


1.evry one would be welthey in helth and money

2.good people didnt have to die

3.i could turn into a wolf

Something along the lines of

1. Goodbye world problems (Global warming, Darfur, Iraq)

2. Friends with my favorite bands that I could keep listing and listing

3. Unlimited wishes for the rest of my life

I would wish:

To not have to wear my stupid painful back brace anymore

that my little sister moved to north korea

and that I could eat whatever I want and not get fat (that'd be awesome!!!!)

1.for me to be a mutli-billionaire

2.they was no crime in the world

3.they would be no world problems what so ever!!

can I please have more wishes!!!

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