What inspired you to read/write?


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Kishu Inu

Well-known member
Apr 8, 2008
Reaction score
The title is self-explanitory.

If you have a short attention span, this may be TL;DR.

When I was about 8, I was browsing Tamatalk's Role Play section for the fun of it. I found a board called MewMew Classes. Intrigued, I clicked it.

It was a script roleplay back then. I was emmy299.

So I joined with my old character, who I rarely use nowadays, Zoria.

I had alot of fun developing her so that she was flawed yet strong and independent. I designed her using Otaku Avatar Maker, and her looks never changed since that.

I roleplayed in script for the longest time, until I started reading harder level books, and started roleplaying in actual text. Soon the whole roleplay board was doing it.

I started off with simple sentences like, "Zoria walked up to Leokan. "Hi!" She said." To things like:

"Bridget stared at the fuschia sky. The moon was only a pale, slightly visible outline compared to the sun, sinking into the earth as if it was being swallowed up whole, only to be reborn again the next day. On her side lay Sil, who was completely unmoving asides from the rise and fall of his chest. He was swathed in bandages, she had no herbs or medicine, so it was the best a healer like her could do." (Snippet from Inuyasha RP volume 3 about a year ago.)

After getting so good in roleplaying, I decided to write a story called "Zoria's Virtual Pet Adventures," Once again featuring the infamous Zoria Kazor. With tamagotchis and all. It lasted 11 chapters, and I got about 4 fanmails from it. Then I knew I really wanted to write, above everything else. I studied and met authors, asked advice, and studied. My original characters are all forms of the past. (Usagi, Zoria, Hikari...) to be replaced by the new. (Paul, John, Corin, Bridget...) It's a long story.

I don't have the attention span to cut a cucumber. o.o But thats for the visiual things. I have a very long attention span when it comes to reading.

What inspired me to read...well, I've always been a bookworm. Grown up and raised by/with bookworms. I got read to all of my baby life and started to be taught how to read at about four. Loved it ever since.

Writing...I'm not really sure. =P I've always had natural talents for poetry and writing, even if I abandon my novels less than two weeks after starting, but I have hundreds of plots. xD

I got in to RPGing about the time I joined my first REAL forum with actual literacy standards in the RPG forum. I still have issues getting RPG posts longer than about two hundred words, because I like to say things straight and despise wolf-speak. xD Seriously, I don't bother saying "her fur was about 1/2 inch long with THIS color and she had paws about ___ long..." etc.

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I don't really know. I've always loved to read, ever since I learned how when I was about three. Before that, I loved having people read to me. I just like to write. It's fun. Because I also have a lot of 'stories' in my head, writing also provides a way for me to get them out of my head, so I can sleep at night. :huh: I also love history, which is why I occasionally write history essays just for fun, to answer a question I had about something in history that happened.


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