What is death like?


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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2006
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What do you guys death is like?

This isn't really about heaven or hell....basically, while being dead or right before you die, what do you think it FEELS like?

Is it peaceful? Tormenting? Strange?

I read somewhere that you can imitate the feeling of being in heaven or hell in your own home.

Surround yourself in fluffy pillows and curl into a ball. Supposedly heaven will feel like that. Soft, and peaceful.

To feel hell, the next time you in the shower, turn the water quite hot, curl into a ball at the bottom with your head facing down.

Close your eyes, plug your ears, and that's the feeling of hell, accordly to some.

What do you think?

In my opinion, there is no heaven and there is no hell. I think death is a transition from one real life to the most unreal life in the world. I think you relive your life, but in different positions. If you were always in the highlife, never helping anyone, I think in said next life you are still in the highlife, but your feasts are hosted by people who are starving, and you play with the starving children and get to watch them, but never offer them food. If a child is crying, or half dead, you are prevented from offering any help. Stuff like that, until you go mad but it still plays on, reflecting on every wrongdoing.

I'm not really positive about my religion yet, but when I had anear death experience once, I felt like I was flying and looking down on myself, it was scary. But i'm starting to lean further away from heaven and hell and mostly that everyone reincarnates. Think about it, maybe people always reincarnate into something, like an animal or another person, but only few times remember. But, then again, i'm not so positive on my religion.

Wow. I don't think anyone really knows (unless their dead or have had a near full death experience). Some people believe that you go to either heaven or hell (depending on if you believe in Jesus Christ or not). Others say you go to the under world and take all your valuables with you. (Egyptians believe this an it goes along with the mumification process). Most people aren't sure. Sometimes people become ghost ... for a reason. To fullfil something that they did not when they were living. They stay in places with emotional attatchment. But , I , however, like the excitement of finding out. ( I just hope I don't go to hell. I've been a christian since I was young, though I slip a few times.)


I've had near death experiences but I don't remember anything. It was just confusing and weird.

I'm guessing it's like all of the energy leaves you're body, and you can't feel anything. You don't exist anymore. That's my guess.

Well I think it depends on how your going to die because if your on fire your not really going to feel peacful so I guess it depends it could be tormenting or peacful. My opinion.

It doesn't matter what your religion is!

I think it depends.

If your murdered [fun...] then it won't be very happy.

In your sleep, Peaceful.

I guess you sorta have to wait until that fateful day

Death is probably something like a release.

It feels good, but it feels terrible in the way that you will never be able to return to the body in which you were just taken from, violently or otherwise.

And then there is eternity.

I dont like that part.

I think death just releases everything, I dunno.. like everything let goes.

What happens after?

I don't think there's a heaven or hell, I believe when we die, we're just dead e.e

I was thinking about it more today and came up with another option. What if it's just like your completely paralyzed, forever? You can't move, even to breathe or bat your eyelashes. You don't die, but are buried, and are stuck in your own conciousness for eternity, going mad with the boredom of sleep. Eventually it all goes blank, but you are never dead.

I hope theres no eternity. Imagine being conscious for ever and ever and ever.... 14 years is enough!

I think that your soul lives forever though. Not in heaven or hell but among the living and the universe [Another galaxy anyone?] After death we are all equals. No heaven or hell.

And when you die I think your soul releases itself from the body and drifts away, taking the ability to live with it too. But it leaves after its impossible to resussatate.

I read an article about near-death experiences, and it says that the last thing the subject feels is 'becoming a part of the universe'.

Maybe your spirit will become parts of the world, and can be reflected through nature, such as trees, flowers, etc.

I also kind of believe that death is like an eternal dreamless sleep. Basically, you lose all your consciousness and is released from existence.

Also I thought about cupcakes' opinion, how you are paralyzed forever, and then become mad from boredom.

In my opinion, it all depends HOW you die. If you die suffering, its horrible. And yes, I think there is heaven and hell, but I don't understand how you would die and go to heaven and die and go to hell because I don't understand how it.... uh.... I guess measured. Its confusing so don't listen to me. But if you have a heart attack you would still suffer, but if you turn up going to heaven, it would be peaceful. I don't know.

:) : And people say I'M crazy...

Oh be quiet you...

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