What is death like?


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It depends. If u go to hell its not gonna be peaceful. If u go to heaven u'll have to deal with dead in laws. So probally not.... I know were im going....

Well, I once had a near death experience. It's like a long dream full of very strange flashbacks, or what may happen in the future. Like your life passing before your very own eyes, and that's when I woke up, and I was just fine.

Temari Nara

I'm going to use getting shot as my example of death.

I think you'd feel a sharp pain, then feel your breath kncoked out, then feel cold darkness, and then what, I have no idea.

I imagine it would feel sort of scary up until the point you leave your body, then I imagine it would feel sort of like when you're half asleep, and you realize you're half asleep and that wakes you up?

That sort of taken aback feeling?

I imagine it would be something like that.

And then I think it'll just be soothing. Like listening to your favorite song. . . forever. ._.

And if Hell feels like a steaming hot shower, I hope I go to Hell, because I'm freezing my ar*e off. After all, all of Hell's fires can't be worse than a winter in Minnesota >_<

I don't believe in heaven or hell. I think of death in two ways ( I haven't decided which yet). My first thought is that everything goes blank. You can't feel, you can't think, you can't move, and you don't know what's happening. You feel no pain, no nothing, you never get bored and slowly you rot away and people forget about your existence. Unless you changed the world in some way or if you were famous.

The second way I think you go is when you die, there is a moment(s) of blankness(mentioned above) and you get reborn. As a human. You don't know anything and you are just another baby being born. You can't remember anything from your "previous life" except for little snippets (dejavu). You may not be the same person though. You may be a better singer, or more spoiled. You might even be a diffrent race or religon. But on the inside you are still you... Do you get what I'm saying?

Well, I might just throw this in for you guys! What if death comes for you in the version of your favorite memory? (Black Parade much?)

Now for my thoughts.

I believe there is a Heaven and I believe there is a Hell.

Heaven is a place where you are with God, guided by God, and in the land of God.

Your soul and spirit are with him for an eternity, and you feel at peace.

Hell, in my opinion, doesn't have fire and the "Devil" doesn't live there.

It's a place where your stuck forever without God.

Others are there, but you cannot communicate with them.

It's like your in your own little cube-like area, where your doomed to regret the path you chose.

At first, it feels like paradise. But then you realize it's just a never-ending sort of nightmare.

You go insane. God is not with you.

And I believe if you commit suicide, you just enter blackness.

You roam among others who have killed themselves, into an eternal dark pit of misery.

The actually feeling of dying is very strange.

I believe your soul rises from your body.

You become your soul.

You rise up and up until your sucked into darkness.

Then you see a beautiful white light. It becomes bigger.

You feel amazing. Your no longer suffering.

When you enter the light, you feel as though you've become part of the Universe.

And that is when your fate of Heaven or Hell is decided.

That is what I think.

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I don't believe in heaven or hell. I think of death in two ways ( I haven't decided which yet). My first thought is that everything goes blank. You can't feel, you can't think, you can't move, and you don't know what's happening. You feel no pain, no nothing, you never get bored and slowly you rot away and people forget about your existence. Unless you changed the world in some way or if you were famous.
The second way I think you go is when you die, there is a moment(s) of blankness(mentioned above) and you get reborn. As a human. You don't know anything and you are just another baby being born. You can't remember anything from your "previous life" except for little snippets (dejavu). You may not be the same person though. You may be a better singer, or more spoiled. You might even be a diffrent race or religon. But on the inside you are still you... Do you get what I'm saying?

Well, I might just throw this in for you guys! What if death comes for you in the version of your favorite memory? (Black Parade much?)
I completely agree with your second thought except I think you might not be reborn a human, you could be, but maybe you could be reborn something else to [animal, bug, etc.]

I believe in heaven and hell. I believe that when you die, if it's of old age it's just like going to sleep. If it's from disease or any other type of painful death it'll be, well, painful. Then I believe that your spirit goes up to heaven or goes down to hell depending on how you behaved in your life.

If the getting reborn part is true, I want to be reborn as an American. You never know what could happen if you were born into some more unfortunate part of the country, like Iraq. :blink:

In my opinion, there is no heaven and there is no hell. I think death is a transition from one real life to the most unreal life in the world. I think you relive your life, but in different positions. If you were always in the highlife, never helping anyone, I think in said next life you are still in the highlife, but your feasts are hosted by people who are starving, and you play with the starving children and get to watch them, but never offer them food. If a child is crying, or half dead, you are prevented from offering any help. Stuff like that, until you go mad but it still plays on, reflecting on every wrongdoing.

In my opinion, there is no heaven and there is no hell. I think death is a transition from one real life to the most unreal life in the world. I think you relive your life, but in different positions. If you were always in the highlife, never helping anyone, I think in said next life you are still in the highlife, but your feasts are hosted by people who are starving, and you play with the starving children and get to watch them, but never offer them food. If a child is crying, or half dead, you are prevented from offering any help. Stuff like that, until you go mad but it still plays on, reflecting on every wrongdoing.
Didn't you already post this in this topic, or some other topic? o.0

Or am I just going mad? Because I know I read that exact thing before.

Maybe death is not what we think it is.

Maybe it's the complete opposite of everything we've been taught.


You remember your death.

You're not sure when it happened, but you assume it was recent, because you can see it.

Your death is on the ceilings, the floors, and enscribed on your palms.

You know that you are dead.


And yet, you're walking.

Down a long hall, with doors coming up on the sides.

You're with someone.

You don't know when they got there, but you realise that they are speaking to you.

They explain to you something you never would have considered before... Before it happened.


Death is not what you think it is.

Life was a trial.

Something that determines what happens when you "die".

Death, your new existance, is much longer than what your previous existance was.

The person tell you they don't know how long it is, whether it's forever or not.

The person who's been there the longest, the first person to die, is still there.

You turn to the almost ghostly man beside you.

"Who is that?" You ask, barely managing a whisper.


The walls, the ceiling, the floor, and the man smile at you.

"I am, of course." he says.



He explains to you what those doors are.

They have numbers on them.

They are for age groups.

Whatever age you die at, that is the age you will stay as.


You pass the

0-2 years door.

You shudder.

Whether you are imagineing or not,

You can almost hear crying.


You get to your age group.

He opens the door.

You're in, though you never stepped through the doorway.

The ghostly man is gone.


There are other people in there.

People of your age, your gender, even, almost, your face.

But they do not talk to you.

And you do not talk to them.

As though some unwritten law that was never told to you, you remain alone.


The walls.

The ceiling.

The floor.


Everything is looking at you.


"But what if this is something else?"

You try to whisper, wide-eyed and afraid.

"What if we really are dead?"

Actually, I've no idea.

But I have a feeling this topic just broke my writer's block.

I read an article about near-death experiences, and it says that the last thing the subject feels is 'becoming a part of the universe'.Maybe your spirit will become parts of the world, and can be reflected through nature, such as trees, flowers, etc.

I also kind of believe that death is like an eternal dreamless sleep. Basically, you lose all your consciousness and is released from existence.

Also I thought about cupcakes' opinion, how you are paralyzed forever, and then become mad from boredom.
Which might be why so many people are "reincarnated" as animals. Becomeing part of the earth.

Myself, I shoudl believe in Heaven and Hell, as I am Catholic.

But I do believe in reincarnation, and non-existence, You just, Float.

I think that you die, and you reincarnate, like you have layers of yourself, in each one you learn. My mom had a book once that said you get birth marks from your older lives. Also, I believe that your fears are results of old lives. When you die, (In my opinion, after so many reincarnations you finally do what you were destined to do on earth, and you no longer have any business bothering others who need to do it for themselves.) When you die, you're just floating in nothingness until the only thing worth filling that emptiness of all of your lives (No matter what it is.) Finds you, (Which could be a long journey.) You are really and truly "dead" which means, Forever. Yet, if you were to go to hell, supposing the oither was heaven you would not be able to re-unite with your one thing, therefor banishing you and that one thing to an eternity of your own thoughts, where all of your old lives come back to you, and you realize all of the dumb things you did as you watch your whole lives like a movie, and theres nothing you can do to stop it, because it's forever.

Forever, is forever.

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I just think of it as darkness, then you just go. Its scary when I think about just darkness, claustrophobic. Isn`t 100000 years before we all go? It`s scary for me

well you know how when you go to sleep it seems like you just blink and then your up the next morning.... I would imagine death is like that small period before you open your eyes again but instead of only a tiny bit the rest of... internitity..... it kind of creeps me out xD

I had a dream where I died once.

It was wierd. First it hurt, then it didn't, then... It actually felt really good. Then I died in my dream.... wierd. MOst poeple say you can't die in your dream because you wake up first, but apparently it wasn't so.

I think it's just like going to sleep really really achy and weak

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