what is it


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Aug 26, 2006
Reaction score
Danville, KY
i have checked every growth chart i could find but i still dont know what it is. my tama is 0yr. old, girl, and looks like a square with rounded off corners and legs. it has a little tuft of hair on its head. does any one know what it is? (has arms eyes and mouth)

and while im asking questions, what does debugging do exactly?

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hmm. that sounds familiar. but i dont know. it depends if its a toddler or not.it sounds like a nikachi but nikachi doesnt have arms.im not so sure. and when you debug your tamagotchi it allows you to get new characters and choose your character. things like that.

ok, i think i have found the tamagotchi you are describing: its called an obotchi. And, in my opinion i think it fits your defenition perfectly except for one part, you say your tamagotchi is 0yrs old right, well, this tamagotchi is a teenager. It could possibly have been help back a year but anyway, ill keep searching for this character. ill PM you if i find it.

edited: Ok first of all, what generation is it and is it a V1,V2 or V3?

heres a link to a grouth chart that may have the tamagptchi your looking for:https://www.tamatalk.com/IB/index.php?showtopic=40249


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thank you, i looked and the obotchi on the chart looks exaclty like the one in my tama, thanks again!

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