What is the highest generation you have gotton to?


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My highest was Generation 20, on my V1 but i reset it stupidly...

At that point, my Tama was a Gozarutchi :mimitchi: .

I don't know why i reset it though.. :D

Cya! :lol:

On my old V2 I think I got to generation 9... I might have gotten to 13 some other time but I forgot :mellow: I remember when it died. I accidentally placed it somewhere and couldn't find it for about 12 hours so when I finally did find it, it was dead. I think I cried lol.

I think the highest I have gotten to was 20 in my V5,I hope I get to 99 with a Connection someday.

The highest I ever made it would probably be like Gen 14 on my v3. Then I don't know, I think a glitch happened and it reset itself. D=

g10 untill my sis therw it in the shower while i was taking a shower !_! i miss tht tama but theres no point in crying over...spilled milk right?? (tht sounds so weird)

I got to 32 on my light blue v1 and then it was stolen :D It was a hinotamatchi called Delta. I was sooo sad!! Wish I still had it but like puppy9084 said no point in crying over it.

I got to the 30th generation on my old V3, but it ran out of batteries a really long time ago.

I raised my V3 up to the 10th generation then it died. He was Hinotamatchi.

I raised my V5 up to the 11th generation then they died for no reason. They were Kuromametchi, Makiko, and i forgot the last guy who was there.

The higest Ive gotten is generation 3 but then it either dies or the batterie dies after i lose intrest and pause it for a long time.

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