What is the highest your points have ever been to?


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tamagotchis rock

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2005
Reaction score

what is the highest your points have ever been to? also tell if it is a v2 v3 0r v4 cuz v4s can get more points!


Tamagotchis Rock

On my V4 i'v made it up to 18513 pionts and on my V3 ive made it up to 9999 pionts! :D

~Tamagarden girl~

PS. the green and red color on my tama versions is the color of my tama.

V2-5003 points

debugged V2-....321 points

V3-7093 points

Debugged V3-9 points

V4-????????? I dont have a V4 yet silly XD

On my V2 I made it to 9999 once - there just wasn't anything in the shop I wanted to buy (so unlike me... lol) :D

I have about 3500 on my V3 - just in case a ticket comes up for sale :D

No V4 yet either ... ;)

i have only ever gotten up to 5600 on my v2! but when i put bttereies in one of my 4 v3's then i will probably get more points!(i have 13 tamas but one is broken and i only have 2 v2's going, i am saving for more though!)

~Tamagotchis Rock

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