what is the weirdest thing you've ever done?


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I have Sonic stuff. ALOT of sonic stuff.

~Whole collection of dvds of Sonic EVERYTHING

~I have two posters on the wall. (Though I have a BIG box full of those with Tails, Shadow, Amy, Sonic, etc....

~Action figures..... <.< >.> NO TOUCHY MY TAILS ACTION FIGURE!!!! *hisses*

~I have all the old comic books.... and I mean over 200 issues.

And I cant say the rest.... I'll have a page full on Tamatalk. o.o


P.SS: There are so much more weird stuff I do, like, how in kinder we were going on an excursion to the farm and on the bus I threw up on my best buddy's dress. xD


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Far too many things to remember!

I got a kinda weird thing.

My friend Morgan and I dressed up as vampires and we had full makeup, fake fangs and blood. I had my black skinnies, black hoodie, connies, black and red cape and this cool black lace veil. Morgan had a black dress, black stockings, heels and a matching lace hat. We made our faces all white with big black eyeshadow, the eyeliner went into a swirl on our cheeks and we had black lips. We had to go return movies so we ran in and were like 'We've come to return your movies!' we were like hissing at them and pretending to be melting. Then we started walking around and choosing a new movie to watch, every time we found a movie we wanted to watch we said 'I have found a new victim!' and after a while we got in this big slappy fight over what horror movies are better. I won with The Shining cause I bit her neck and she turned into an even more vampire-like-vampire! We got free lollipops from the people who worked there if we left, we had to make sure they were BLOOD FLAVOR because if they weren't we would suck their blood.

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