What is this thing?


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Well-known member
Mar 3, 2006
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When I know I'll tell you.
I recently bought a used V4.5 Combo pack off ebay. The seller has included some kind of green thingy with it, it's not the tree or the V4.5 btw. Does anyone know what it is? (I don't have the item so I can't test it.)

Here's the link to the item: https://www.ebay.com/itm/360417580348?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2648


I'm not quite sure what it is or what it does, but I have seen it before, and I don't think the other thing should come with it... but I couldn't be sure. It looks sort of like a giga pet.

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It's the newer Giga Pet model. 2006 I think. Lizard.

Meh, good luck. I had one (My first virtual pet :p ) and I hated it.

Perhaps because I was 9.

Theres a base that you can buy that you plug the giga pet into and you can see your pet on your tv :) I remember seeing those in Target a few years back...like around the time v'3 were sold.

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