what is you to your self


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Strong, independent, and rewarding.

Really nice and kind, fun, spontaneous, and grateful!

Nobody would ever figure me out. Trust me.

Quite introverted except to the people I like or know well.

Ooh! Also very open, intelligent and always willing to learn.

Has perfect handwriting, loves nature.

Very hard to exploit too!

Thats who I see my self as.

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The girl next door who is every parent's (except my owns) favourite person because I listen to everybody, I respect others, and when my friends have crazy (and sometimes misbehaving) schemes I never participate. =] I am often TOO nice and don't tell people how I actually feel. For example, if a friend wants to do somethign and I don't, I do it anwyays. I'm very patient with people, and people usually walk all over me. I am funny and sometimes a little shy...though I can VERY outgoing, loud, and spontanious. I am good in school but I don't enjoy it, and I find it difficult to be friends with everyone. I love sports even though I stink at most of them and I cry easily. D: I am quiet and I don't like to get in trouble. I prefer to hang with popular people at school because most of them are nicer then epople think. I am an animal lover and I would die if my crushes life was in danger.

And thats about it.

I am loud, crazy and sometimes mysterious.

I'm that girl who wears that black dress... I'm the girl who doesn't matter in most situations. I'm the girl who is seen but not heard.

I'm the girl who is opinionated but cares what people think of her.

I'm the girl who shows respect, selflessness and kindness when it is needed.

I'm the girl who cries and doesn't tell anyone why.

I'm that girl who is friends with no specific bunch of people.

More importantly, I'm the girl who likes who she is on the inside and not who she is on the outside.

Wow, TinyKit...that sounds pretty much like me too. o.o

Only, I didn't exactly say that...your very open about yourself.

I cry, but I don't tell my real life friends or family why.

I am seen but never heard.

I have friends, but I don't exactly fit in with any ''crowd''

I DO care what people think, but I'm opionated.

Except..I don't know who I like better; my outside personality, or my inside.

We should talk sometime. You seem very interesting.

I'm Shy, but when you get to know me I don't stop talking.

I think I'm a nice to everyone, even if they don't respond the same way.

I'm not confident with the way I look, even if somebody compliments me I still don't believe them.

I sometimes forget what I'm saying and start to daydream.

I worry too much about what everyone else is thinking, and what they think about me.

And if I'm honest I'm a bit of a pushover when it comes to my boyfriend :furawatchi:

Im loud and outgoing, never ashamed to show my opinions on something.

Im he class clown at school and almost everybody at the school likes me.

I behave ok at school although I do get distracted easily. xD;

I like to talk and mess about, play spies with mycats and have fun!

Over all I would say im:

A helpful outgoing funny person, who likes making people laugh.

Lol, have a nice day now. =>

Btw that stuff is mostly based on school, here every body has different ... things, personalities and so Iml like telling them something and their just like, 'kthxbai -log off-'.


Never quiet. Mostly get in trouble. :furawatchi:

Total nutcase. Loud and proud! ^-^

I cry for family reasons but never give up hope.

If anyone has a row with me or tells me to do something bad I tell them to stuff-off.

I dont let anyone to tell me what to do. Even my parents. I clean up my room without being asked when its messy.

I'm kind and responsible. When I friend is hurt i'm there to the rescue.

I stand up to my own reasons and never let anyone get beyond me.

I mostly debate and always stick with my debate.

Mostly about me. :furawatchi:

I'm loud, silly, and kinda gross.

I like to talk to a lot of people, but mostly it's my friends who I hang out with.

I have the most annoying laugh you've ever heard, but people get a kick out of it anyway.

I am liked by most people, and am a straight A student in school.

My parents are annoyed by me, and I don't mind my own business. I usually find myself getting into every single conversation.

My parents and my sister would describe me as an adult wannabe. I act like an adult when I'm supposed to act like a kid.

I have a terrible life at home, but I am still one of the happiest people you'll ever meet.

i honestly cannot describe myself completely. you could know me for a million years and still not know what i'm thinking. the best way for me to describe myself would be to simply say "myself". i'm unlike anyone else....that's for sure 0.o

I'm loud, silly, and kinda gross.I like to talk to a lot of people, but mostly it's my friends who I hang out with.

I have the most annoying laugh you've ever heard, but people get a kick out of it anyway.

I am liked by most people, and am a straight A student in school.

My parents are annoyed by me, and I don't mind my own business. I usually find myself getting into every single conversation.

My parents and my sister would describe me as an adult wannabe. I act like an adult when I'm supposed to act like a kid.

I have a terrible life at home, but I am still one of the happiest people you'll ever meet.
Wow GotchiGirl96, That's exactly like me. Except for the annoying laugh part.

i cant discribe myself real good but hear it goes

i'm loud

i'm inpatient

i'm a strait b's and a's

i'm never been suspended

i eat alot to be so thin

Kind,talented,joker xD,caring,pretty,healthy,out going,respectful,polite,well-behaved,straight A student.

And because that I'm a girly-girl,and I'm the pinky one,I feel that I'm not a good member at Tamatalk T.T

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