What is your fav.............................


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~* Funky Tama *~

Well-known member
Feb 26, 2008
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So the question is ' What is your Favourite day of the week ? '

I voted Saturday because ,

I actually don't know!! its just suits me!

I like Friday. I would have said saturday, but, I have to do stinkin chores all day. T.T

my fvrotite day of the SCHOOL week is friday and my favorite day of the WEEK is saturday

Saturday, for reasons already posted.

I usually don't work Saturday, so I get to sleep in and hang around with friends.

Tuesday. I get Library that day at school; and usually something interesting happens that day.

friday night/saturday. I stay up all night until like 5:30 and then sleep until dinnertime on saturday. Healthy, right?

Saturday...I get to sleep in, do whatever, occasionally homework in the morning...and then stay up as late as I want. Not as late as I want, but pretty late. Plus, parties and mall-going-tos are always on Saturdays.

Saturday and Sunday.

I really enjoy spending days off from school during these days.

Monday! I have double music, then Kitikana(the yr 7 choir) and then after school I have guitar lessons!

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