What is your favorite place to buy Tamas old and new?


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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
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I usually go in to Walgreens because they have a random assortment of old versions. Plus there's a Wlagreens on every corner. There are literally 4 or 5 just in my town! Once I went in and they were selling them for like $4 each so I bought a few, haha. Most of the other larger stores only have the newest versions. But right now I've checked and the largers stores dont even have a rack where they should be. The only other random place I've seen the newer tama, theTama-go, are at Big5 by the checkout stands (here in California).

So where do you go and find Tamas?

When they came out first... (1997ish,) I got my Tama (and other digital pets) at KB-Toy Store....

When they came back out in 2004... Target.

Now.... Probably Walmart or ToysRUs or Ebay.... If Target had them... well, there too.

Every so often, I go into Walgreens or something simmilar.

I've gotten them at KB Toys, Amazon and Wal Mart.

They're not really on sale in shops in the UK any more. Occasionally you can buy them at Argos or Toys R Us, but mostly if you want to get any tama other than the Music Star you have to buy them online - ebay or Amazon, for example.

I am just thinking how nice it must be to be able to wander into a Walgreens and see old versions of tamagotchis in stock on the shelves :p (we don't have Walgreens in the UK - but I've seen them on visits to the States). However, on second thoughts, it's probably a good thing that I can't just randomly pick up tamas in the local drug store!

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I usually would like to go to a thrift store, but I just don't have the time to. I might be going to one in Streetsville on Saturday, I'll post if I see one there. :) Can't wait.

Oh, I remember when the little tamagotchi fad started in my school. I must've been about 5. We were all crazed with the first tamas we found, V3s. They were sold EVERYWHERE. Sadly, a few months later, the craze was over and today, quite a few years later, I'm one of the only people in my school who still plays with them. (Well, there are a few kids who do, but they know nothing about it. They asked me who Bandai was once :eek: ) So, practically no stores sell them in my city, so I'm stuck buying off ebay and amazon.

Same here now, Walgreens is always hit and miss you never know which version you will find on their shelfs lol. The past year it's mostly been v4.5's...Toysrus sometimes has them but a few months back they were all on clearance :(

Amazon prices seemed ridiculously high, and most of ebay's too. I remember the days of finding them on ebay for $2-5 or so lol. Good luck with that now!

I Get all mine on e-bay nowadays.

I used to get them all at target, walmart, or the occasional Walgreens.

Now, theyre all gone so.. .^.

Definitely Ebay. I got my first Tamagotchi at KB Toys when it was still around, but Ebay is most definitely the way to go for me. I wouldn't even have half of my collection if it weren't for Ebay. Sometimes I buy Tamagotchis from fellow TamaTalk or Tama Zone members.

I've only purchased a few off of ebay, and I've sold a few as well to have money to buy the newer ones lol. The majority of my collection came from gifts, or walking through walmart and target and the occasional walgreens.

It used to be Target, until they stopped selling them. -_- I got my first V4 and my Tama-go from there. I got my V3 and iD L from Amazon. <3 My V4 (both the clear one I used to have and the one I have now) came from gifts from friends. Thank god for generosity. ;D I think my mom got my Music Star from Toys 'R Us, but it might have been Target... I don't know. It was somewhere that doesn't sell them anymore. -_-

Haha too funny. My first p1 orp2 Not sure which one it is...came from a friend used. Then when I was about 16 or so I was in Walmart and saw the first connections :D Seems like soooo long ago. I bought 2 and one for a little cousin of mine. Then the v2's at Walmart too a while later...Then I found Tamatalk and learned about the v3, ordered two on ebay and the rest from Walmart, and then more recently at Walgreens. The rest were mainly from Target or Kmart minus one v5 I found at walmart around valentines when it first came out. But the tama-go was from toysrus if I remember right, and since then the only other plance I've seen it this year is at Big5 sporting goods....which makes no sense to me LOL. I'm going to go to walgreens this week to see if there are any floating around here since I only have 1.

Ebay, also. Tamas aren't really available in my area (Northern Arizona) any more. I've always had very good luck dealing there.

Every time I go on vacation to the Philippines, I go to the Toy Kingdom in the mall. I usually get the Tamagotchi's that I can't find in the states, there. I got my tamagotchi ID L from the Philippines, so next time I come back, I'll see what new tamagotchi they have. I usually got my tamagotchi's at target or toys r us, when they sold them.

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