What is your new years resolutions for 2010?


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Try and come on TC only once a week and not all seven days....

Do better in school so my family with think something of me.


Stop screaming at everyone.

Cut down on texting

Stop...Nevermind not putting this down

Become for active with people.

Stay in Theater all four years of High school

And Get a job at the local Theater doing plays.

Start exercising more.

Get better grades this semester.

Use my facebook a little more. XD

-Get a New English Book

-Get MORE bracelets

-Get more new shirts.

* Try not to be as lazy as I've been.

* Make sure my grades stay up.

* Stop spending so much time on the Internet.

* Devote my time more for writing, photography, drawing, and digital art.

* Try to learn the play the piano if I ever get one by Twenty Ten.

* Try to sleep more.

* Try to be more active.

* Eat more. I've only been eating at least two meals a day recently because I'm never hungry anymore.

* Attempt to keep my cool more often.

And probably some other stuff I can't think of.

... Oi. ._.


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-To actually stay after school to practice tuba solo instead of procrasinating.

-Participate in gym more XDD

- Work on my grades

- work on my marching skills

-Get stronger so I can actually lift my tuba case. (Cherry Pie's case is heavyy x.x)

- Improve my friendships

To study. I really need to.

Eat a lot healthier. I already do that, but I think I have gained a couple of pounds.

Be nicer?

Give donations to the helpless.

To communicate with my dad better. (I'm 12, and still live at home. Duh! lol) Anywayz, I don't talk to him very much, and when I do, it's very little. So, I want to do better with that.

To spend less time on the net?It's been a real problem for me. I've been spending half my life in front of the lappy screen.

And to devote more time to my photography.
Oh yeahhhh!

I'd also like to spend less time on the computer and more time on my homework. I've let my grades slip this quarter. D;

Actually do my homework.

Use my diary to schedule things and actually do them.

Pass NCEA with at least a merit endorsement.

Eat healthier.

Spend less money on food and energy drinks.

Find a decent boyfriend.

Actually achieve one of these.

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Eat healthier, stop procrastinating and come on Tamatalk more often. :D

And marry Justin Bieber. <3

work on my grades-

try to be not so lazy/sluggish

-make a new friend--

try to talk louder...-


maybe sign up for something I ACTULAY like!-

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