What is your perfect day like?


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Well-known member
Jul 2, 2014
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So, I've had a rather wonderfully recreative Monday. Most of it involved playing with Tamagotchi and dolls, drinking tea, catching up on the Tamagotchi anime and reading some fine literature... The rest of it I owe it to my wonderful room mate's company. So, what would your perfect day be like? What do you like to do within a day to consider it the pinnacle of perfection? :)

And here's a picture from today, of one of my dolls, Nishio-kun, in all his girly kawaii moe glory, with my Tama, doing what he knows how to do best... lounging. xP


Dunno if I've ever had such a day in my life

I'd probably enjoy most an onslaught of discoveries

When I'm in unfamiliar places, the first thing on my mind is to check everything out; naturally, I love to learn

Say, if I were accidentally left alone locked in with my history teacher's fascinating and tantalizingly close library of books... oh, my gosh, your doll is so hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng

I talked to a friend about this just this afternoon, actually

He compared our ideal nerdy dreams, saying his would be solving the hardest puzzle in the world ^_^

i stay home from school on the computer. then i go to the mall and can get whatever i want and go to 3 thrift stores and find a creepy USB. then all the requests i've ever made about my fictional crushes doing things gets made and yeehaw

Probably playing my ps4 with one of my tamagotchis close by so I can play with him, or watching movies on netflix with a big bowl of ruffles and having my tama by my side

Well, as I said to one of my friends a few minutes ago, "i am a 19-year-old university student who is not ready for any kind of adult responsibilities and would rather just play fe:a all day"

As long as I have fe:a it's a good day.

@Pauly: sounds like a productive day! :3 I really like learning also which is one of the reasons there's always stacks of books everywhere around the house... then again I enjoy anything that has letters printed on it so that's not much of something to say... u-u; I know the feeling you're describing though! Whenever I go abroad I bombard myself with so much information constantly that I end up feeling so tired by the end of the day too. -A-

Also thank you! >u< hurr hurr~ Dolls are my main other passion next to video games and Tamas. I've spent the better part of the last five years collecting and customizing them... >.>;

@John Lee: I totally approve of this plan. Some days you just 'need' to unwind, just how I did yesterday. x3; I ended up feeling really relaxed by the end of it. (also totes jelly of your PS4 I still haven't gotten my hands on it as the games I want to play most that I can't play elsewhere have yet to be released)

@it's Teri: hehe! xD it must be nice being so young and having no responsibilities u.u; //shot/ I'm still in Uni myself but we have so much work to do for it I rarely get off time. ><;

Oh, I have responsibilities and work to do and stuff (sort of... the semester is almost over but I still have one essay due in two weeks), I'd just rather be playing fe:a all day... it's kind of a problem at times because I get distracted... hence why I said I am not ready for any kind of adult responsibilities (I also have to figure out accommodation for next year since I'll have to move out of the hall of residence I'm in).

I think right now my ideal day would be spent outside in the snow, skiing with no concerns for the future (essays, studying, college applications, etc.), possibly by myself or with others. Rather than drive home afterward, I'd stay at the lodge, curled up with a book and a cup of tea, maybe finally able to sit down away from people and figure out the grammar of a few other languages.

Though the experience of skiing is delightful, the most important aspect of this perfect day is the lack of obligation towards, or acceptance from, other people.

I don't consider myself antisocial, but many people do, it seems.

I'd wake up at 6:00 in the morning. Wake my Tama up as well.

Hmmm. Then probably go out in the morning to bike as it's nice and cold. Then stop by Starbucks or something for hot chocolate. Then bike back home.

Then I'd have my friends over and we'd connect our Tamas *sigh* (they have no idea what a Tamagotchi is!) then we'd all go to Tama Depa (GAHHH I WANT A TAMA DEPA NEAR ME! Or at least a place that sells Tamas) and get stuff.

Then we'd eat brunch-probably Saboten or Pepper Lunch.

In the afternoon, we'd watch a movie, preferably The Maze Runner. Then go home and connect our Tamas again.

After we'd watch YouTube videos on my family computer and order pizza and soft drinks (jk, I don't enjoy drinking soft drinks. Only tasted Coke once in my life) and stay up until 11.

Still playing and connecting our Tamas.


A perfect day for me would be me being by myself, not being bothered by anyone, enjoying peace and quiet the entire day.

A perfect day is whenevr I get 12 hours of sleep, talk with my internet friends for an hour or so, and order a new Tamagotchi, thats happened once in my life, lol

On the weekends to have a perfect weekend is waking up at 7am and going on TamaChat to talk to some of my besties and then being using the computer for like idk 12 hours IKR such a wonderful weekend and maybe do some digital art. But on weekdays eh relax sometime and just lay on bed for like nearly an hour and do my homework and then enjoy what TamaTalk and Facebook has to share today and maybe watch some Gravity Falls while doing homework lol

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