what is your personality


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I'm basically everything. 8D

To my friends, I'm jokingly mean but I'm still nice to them, and to others (such as teachers and adults) I'm a nice, sweet little angel.

I have my devilish moments, too.

But usually I'm sweet I guess to those I want to suck up to.


I guess my over all personality could be described as "Thoughtful".

But, I voted all of the above. I have at least three mood-swings a day, so it varies.

Eh, I voted sweet.

It all depends. Most days I make an effort to be sweet and kind. But you know, that doesn't always work out.

I'd probably most be described as... hyper. But it all depends on who you ask. You ask my closest friends, you'll get a, "hyper perverted person." xD

However, if you ask some random person that has class with me, they'll probably tell you I'm quiet. And strange.

If you ask someone from track, they'll tell you I'm a highly uncoordinated dork.

But overall, I think I could be described as sweet. I smile a lot and always try to help people out. Friendly, I guess.

Other... I can be all but I will proberly mainly be catorgrized as annoying.. But recently I have been really moody and I don't know what it could be...

I'd probably most be described as... hyper. But it all depends on who you ask. You ask my closest friends, you'll get a, "hyper perverted person." xD
However, if you ask some random person that has class with me, they'll probably tell you I'm quiet. And strange.

I can be mean a lot, though.

If im really stressed i take it out on people, but not always.

I see myself alot more friendly online than i am in real life, even though i can be nice in real life too. :eek:

Cya! :)

Well, I don't hide my personality on this site. So what you see is what you get. ;D I'm a little clumsy - okay, really clumsy. I'm funny, I love to be around other people, I'm a little outgoing, and I love to help out.

I just voted sweet.

Clumsy. Outgoing. Bubbly. Random. Very very random. And very, very clumsy, actually. Also a little airheaded. :3

You'll probably get to know me a lot from my posts around TT. Not your average girl!

Uhh. I'm quiet and shy. Except when I'm around my friends. o_O

I'm not sure

I have an out going, fun, bubbly, strange, thoughtful, selfless, totally out there, colourful personality. Selfless means I think of others and is not self absorbed -Cough- Lucie** -Cough-

[Everytime I say 'Lucie**' I'm talking about a certain person but I changed the name]

I am different around different people.

Family: Freakin' hyporactive! Crazy. Weird. Strange. Ab-normal.

Friends: Quiet-ish and nerdish. My ''friends'' dont know me very well.

True Friends: Crazy. Weird, strange and very very dangereous. By dangereous I mean I hit things, break things etc....but not on purpose.

Strangers: Freak. I am a complete freak towards strangers, because of my multiple personalities.


^^ strangers see the weirdest side of me. Like today some girls walked past and one said to the other 'I wonder where Skylar is' and I yelled at them 'I ate her, sorry about that' And they scurried off looking petrified at me.

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