What Is Your Religion?


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Christian, but I am totally fine with people of other religions (Or people with no religion). :D

However I might make my own religion and shape it around what I think is right.

Making my own religion is an idea I've had for many years. However, I never have put it into action.

@paislypuppy: Maybe we should make a religion together. :p lol, but seriously, it would be more fun to make a religion with a friend by my side. :)

I must sound nuts. XD

I don't have a religion. I celebrate Christmas though.

...I would like to make a really cool religion on my own (or even better, with friends) but the chance never comes around. :\

I was born Protestant, but my views seemed to have change into being an Evolutionist.

I'm Roman Catholic, but I accept people of all religions (as long as they don't try to make me believe in what I don't want to. I respect others, they need to respect me.)

I'm more liberal than extremist Catholics, for sure.

I love everyone!!!

Me and the pope are tight! (No, he doesn't know me, but it would be cool to meet him)

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I am agnostic.

My belief is that as we are, we can't know definitively to reject or verify any one faith--we're just not enlightened enough.

I respect people of religion, but not when they try to shove it down someone else's throat. People are allowed to believe whatever they want to believe, so long as they don't hurt somebody in the process.

Jewish... Am I one of the only people who admit they are just a little bit religious?
I'm Jewish too ^.^ Most of my friends are Christian and whatever, and it's cool. We all just accept each other. But it really makes me mad when kids who are really ignorant make Jewish slurs right in front of me. I stand up for it and it makes em look pretty stupid...

But yeah, I'm pretty religious. I had a bat mitzvah :D

I don't know. I believe in Science, but I don't believe in Scientology or Raelism...

Atheist. ;D

I don't think religions are a very good thing in this world. >.<

It causes WAAAY too many issues and people get hurt for unnecessary things. I, personally, find religions stupid. Not to start a fight or anything, it's just my personal belief.

I don't get why it's so bad to be different in this world (which is what most religions attack people for; at least I find). And different for stupid reasons as well. x.x

An example would be back when Blacks didn't have their freedom in America because they were a different skin color. REALLY?!?! And same with Asians and Hispanics. It's just stupid you would degrade someone for their color... White Supremacy is BS. (this coming from a white person) Everyone should be equal.

Also religions where you sacrifice animals... >.< Why?! I don't get it... You do it for your own selfish needs so the "Gods" won't be angry at you? Really?! I find it disgusting. >.< Animals have rights, too, ya know?

Again, I'm not trying to attack anyone's religion in particular, I'm just saying I think religions are a bad idea, that's all. Sure they might have those good things about them, but the bad things about them just kill me.

I thought I should just add these comments to explain why I'm Atheist.

Don't go calling me a heathen now! XD

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I was baptised in the LDS church and have been going since I was born.

But I don't believe in it.

I'm atheist/panthiest and PROUD OF IT.

I've always considered myself agnostic, but now I'm leaning towards atheism. I have a scientific view on things, and I can't believe in something that I have never seen or heard from. There is so many forms of religion.. I feel like the people created religion and made it like it is today (theres a word for this I just ccant think of it..). As Azu said, religion itself just causes so much drama.

I'm a christian. I don't shove it down people's throats. It's just what I believe in. My Mum's a christian too. I go to church every sunday and pray. I don't see anything wrong with it. I do read and believe most of the bible, but some scientific theories, no matter how much we may be religious, could be the true thing.

I'm still trying to figure out what I believe in. It'll probably end up being a blend of different religions. I do believe that the spirit world, karma, and witchcraft exist though.

Actually, I think I would most likely be Buddhist. But most other religions including Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism agree on a supreme god... I need to figure out my life. :p

I'm Jewish, but I try not to talk about it unless I'm provoked or sumthin. xD I generally like all people, regardless of their religion. I think it's kinda cool meeting people with a different religion than me, UNLIKE SOME PEOPLE... *coughmyparentscough*

im catholic, but i wasnt baptisted (still not) and my friend says im going to hell because of that. not true because god loves you even though your not cathloic/baptised/etc.

I don't really know my religion. i go to a United Church.

Its not that i don't believe and its not that i do. The main story is i Understand the scientific ways of life better then the spirituel ones. So i might (as myself, im excluding my family) have no true religion. it makes little sense to me. but hey, Everyone has diffrent belifs right! :huh:

either way, i still celebrate all holidays and such.

still insane, and confused about it all and im 14.

all this will make sense to me one day(weather i believe or not).

im catholic, but i wasnt baptisted (still not) and my friend says im going to hell because of that. not true because god loves you even though your not cathloic/baptised/etc.
True, even though im not sure about God and all, i have been taught that he won't send you to hell because your not baptised

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