What Is Your Religion?


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I'm Muslim. But I don't need to read the Quran or go to the Mosque until I'm older

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Roman Catholic. I really don't like what's in the Bible though, and some of the stuff that the church preaches is a little...out there. But I do believe in God, Jesus, etc.

Also, I will say this here, because I've said it on another thread. This kind of adds to my post before:

I am psychic.

God does not condemn me.

Ghosties exist *GASP!!!*

I hear them

I see them

I can talk to them

They're bouncing all over the place.

It is undeniably real.

I have scoured Psychology books like a manic. There are no mental illnesses in me.

Maybe one day I'll be a house-reader to make some money....

Anyway, God accepts me. I did not ask for these gifts, I strengthened them though. I got no terrible Karma or whatever. I still worship God like I did before....but somehow there is a higher reverence for Him because I have such amazing gifts. I am not going to Hell, as far as I'm aware of xD

I grew up as a Catholic, both my mother and father were and raised me as one. I didn't go to church, but they taught me a pretty loose version of it for my mind to grasp it at that age. I changed my views once I got older though, and now I present myself as an Agnostic, Atheist. Reason is, I believe no one knows whether there is a God or not, whether he is the God some portray as or Allah, or Buddha even. Or whether, we were created by a God in general. I'll believe once I die and see myself, simple as that. I'm also interested in evolution and science too.

Although, I do have respect for religion that respects love and nature, like my Native American heritage. But, other than that, I find religion very stupid. I don't go around expecting people to be like me, nor run my mouth and shove it onto others. But, do not try and convert me or shame me because of my views, because I don't give a dang.

I am a Catholic, however I haven't actually been brought up as being a catholic, and I don't follow all the rules.

I'm an apatheist.

I could care less about the existence of a higher being..

EDIT: But what I do care about is the preachers who stand outside the church spreading homophobia in our town.

I read the bible once to see what it was like, and it claims men can't sleep with eachover, not that they can't be in a relationship.

Men also can't cut their hair, and nobody can eat sea food according to the bible, so I just tell them that and they shout I'll go to hell.

Its funny.

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I'm an apatheist.

I could care less about the existence of a higher being..

EDIT: But what I do care about is the preachers who stand outside the church spreading homophobia in our town.

I read the bible once to see what it was like, and it claims men can't sleep with eachover, not that they can't be in a relationship.

Men also can't cut their hair, and nobody can eat sea food according to the bible, so I just tell them that and they shout I'll go to hell.

Its funny.
Isn't that a trip? The thing is, Jesus himself never uttered a word about the subject of homosexuality. I'm pretty sure he'd be happy that people are in love and want to be together, especially in a long-term, loving relationship.

As for me, I'm technically a member of the LDS (Mormon) church, but I left it long ago. I see the way they spread fear and intolerance (such as Proposition 8) and I never look back. I've practiced witchcraft since I was a teenager (no, I don't wear a pointy hat and stir a cauldron...except on Hallowe'en). Chaos Magic is basically my belief system.

But what I do care about is the preachers who stand outside the church spreading homophobia in our town.

I read the bible once to see what it was like, and it claims men can't sleep with eachover, not that they can't be in a relationship.

Men also can't cut their hair, and nobody can eat sea food according to the bible, so I just tell them that and they shout I'll go to hell.

Its funny.
Jews don't have to follow that anymore.

Though SOME Jews and Christians(I call them hardcore) insist that they have to follow ALL the Old Testament rules or else they'll go to Hell. :/

oh gosh I hope I don't start any arguments or fights.

Jews don't have to follow that anymore.

Though SOME Jews and Christians(I call them hardcore) insist that they have to follow ALL the Old Testament rules or else they'll go to Hell. :/

oh gosh I hope I don't start any arguments or fights.
Its not whether they follow it or not.

What I mean, is homosexuality was mentioned once.

Seafood and hair were mentioned once.

So if they follow no homosexuality, why not seafood or hair ruling?

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Roman Catholic. I really don't like what's in the Bible though, and some of the stuff that the church preaches is a little...out there. But I do believe in God, Jesus, etc.
I'm an apatheist.

I could care less about the existence of a higher being..

EDIT: But what I do care about is the preachers who stand outside the church spreading homophobia in our town.

I read the bible once to see what it was like, and it claims men can't sleep with eachover, not that they can't be in a relationship.

Men also can't cut their hair, and nobody can eat sea food according to the bible, so I just tell them that and they shout I'll go to hell.

Its funny.
catholic.. but rarely go to church
Yeah, I don't get some of the stuff in the Bible either but I always pray and stay faithful to God, all the Christians and Catholics should too. Oh and go to church every Sunday/Saturday, IT WON'T KILL YOU. Just sacrifice a little of your time to God so you can go to heaven. :)
I'm an apatheist.

I could care less about the existence of a higher being..

EDIT: But what I do care about is the preachers who stand outside the church spreading homophobia in our town.

I read the bible once to see what it was like, and it claims men can't sleep with eachover, not that they can't be in a relationship.

Men also can't cut their hair, and nobody can eat sea food according to the bible, so I just tell them that and they shout I'll go to hell.

Its funny.
You can't take everything literally....

Also that pertains to Jewish traditions.

Its not whether they follow it or not.

What I mean, is homosexuality was mentioned once.

Seafood and hair were mentioned once.

So if they follow no homosexuality, why not seafood or hair ruling?
Why should they?

Who says that everything in the Bible is true?

Who says there is a God?

Who says we don't have free choice?

Nevermind. ;)
Also, to add to my last post...

That's really offensive to those who believe fully with their hearts, minds, and souls that they will go to Heaven if they are good on Earth and that God will reward them.


I believe that everything is real.

Every religion.

Everything that everyone believes in.

Heaven, Hell, Purgatory, Paradise, everything under the sun.

If you put enough energy into something, it can have a life of its own.

Who knows, maybe we created everything that we believe in?

Maybe we're in an illusion like in the Matrix ;)

I read a story about a girl who had an imaginary horse as a friend, and she told her grandmother to hold out her hand to let the horse sniff her. The grandmother stuck out her hand, expecting nothing, but she felt the warm breath of an animal and whiskers touched her hand.

True or not, that's the basic concept of it.

Basically maybe everything is made up

BUT our Gods do watch over us.

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You can't take everything literally....

Also that pertains to Jewish traditions.

Why should they?

Who says that everything in the Bible is true?

Who says there is a God?

Who says we don't have free choice?
The last 2 things made absolutely no sense in terms of what we were debating.

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