What Is Your Religion?


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Well, I would like her to consider it, because imagine there really is a God.

He's going to send her to hell, because he said "You are not saved by works(being good)", but only by true faith in Him.

You can argue that the Bible is infallible, but it is not. People say the Bible contradict and stuff, but when we look at the whole picture we see it does not, and is actually saying the same thing. I guess you wouldn't know that since you probably don't read as much the Bible as the people who claim these things.

So, by ignoring what I say, and "leaning on her own understanding", which God says is wrong, it may cause giant consequences to happen.

So, please, give it a read. :)

Well, I would like her to consider it, because imagine there really is a God.

He's going to send her to hell, because he said "You are not saved by works(being good)", but only by true faith in Him.

You can argue that the Bible is infallible, but it is not. People say the Bible contradict and stuff, but when we look at the whole picture we see it does not, and is actually saying the same thing. I guess you wouldn't know that since you probably don't read as much the Bible as the people who claim these things.

So, by ignoring what I say, and "leaning on her own understanding", which God says is wrong, it may cause giant consequences to happen.

So, please, give it a read. :)
I posted another post, but it has to be approved, so while this will likely show up as a doublepost, it's not intended to be.

People say the Bible contradict and stuff, but when we look at the whole picture we see it does not,

I will quickly respond to this statement. They're not saying the bible contradicts itself for laughs, they're saying it because it does, as shown by the above image.

Somebody shared their opinion, you jumped on them and started encouraging them to read about Christianity. In your next post you resort to fear tactics and making up nonsense. Dazz said she just wanted to be a good person, and that she didn't need religion for that, you respond by trying to talk her into Christianity.

That's pretty low, in my opinion.

To answer the actual topic question, I'm an Atheist.

Well, I would like her to consider it, because imagine there really is a God.

He's going to send her to hell, because he said "You are not saved by works(being good)", but only by true faith in Him.

You can argue that the Bible is infallible, but it is not. People say the Bible contradict and stuff, but when we look at the whole picture we see it does not, and is actually saying the same thing. I guess you wouldn't know that since you probably don't read as much the Bible as the people who claim these things.

So, by ignoring what I say, and "leaning on her own understanding", which God says is wrong, it may cause giant consequences to happen.

So, please, give it a read. :)
In the words of Homer Simpson,"Suppose we've chosen the wrong God. Every time we go to church we're just making him madder and madder!"

Same situation here. Why should she choose the Bible? Why not read up on all popular religions? and what about the thousands of religions that aren't in use anymore... Why shouldnt she read up on those? And if she already doesn't believe in these religions, chances are she understands why they aren't correct, so reading the Bible almost certainly won't turn her into a Christian. If anything it'll give her more of a reason to remain non-religious. And what about you? Have you ever read any other religious text other than the Bible?

Because the Bible is confirmed to be the oldest religious book out there. Also for that reason, Christianity is the biggest religion.

I haven't checked *all* religions, but the ones I have always contain big faults.

Because the Bible is confirmed to be the oldest religious book out there. Also for that reason, Christianity is the biggest religion.

I haven't checked *all* religions, but the ones I have always contain big faults.
First of all, the oldest religious texts are actually the Pyramid texts from ancient Egypt, not the Bible. Secondly, many christians don't follow every word of the Bible because its text can be provem incorrect- and has, time and time again. I'm not saying that makes the Bible or Christianity 'incorrect', I'm just saying... The Bible, like all other religious texts, is far from infallible.
Because the Bible is confirmed to be the oldest religious book out there. Also for that reason, Christianity is the biggest religion.

I haven't checked *all* religions, but the ones I have always contain big faults.
So it's okay for you to point out the faults of other religions, but when somebody has an issue with some aspect of Christianity, you tell them they're wrong? All religions are fallible because there is no concrete proof of any of it, however is it not the point of religion to believe in even what your eyes cannot see, and to have faith in the words of others? Did the Crusades and the Algerian War teach us nothing about the consequences of trying to impose certain beliefs and systems on others?

I personally don't understand why certain people feel it's important to promote a certain religion over another. Buddhists, Jews, Hindus and Sikhs encourage the practice of any religion, or living to a good moral code, is that not enough?

God, if he exists, created us all as individuals with power over our own minds and choices, and there is a religion out there that suits everybody. For some, worship of a god is not important or does not appeal to them, and so they may choose to follow Buddhism, which gives a moral code and is even more open to interpretation than most others. Meanwhile, Christianity may speak to somebody else in a way that other religions do not, just as some people love spicy food and others do not, for example. We all have the ability to choose what is best for us, and the only person who knows you well enough to decide that is yourself.

On a side note, however, I do think the amount of faith and dedication you have for your religion is wonderful for a younger person and it's reassuring to know that there are people out there like you who will continue to practice religion in an increasingly secular society, and that the strength of your faith is unaffected by being surrounded by other people who may not quite see eye to eye with you. I think it would be a shame to see something that has been part of culture for thousands of years to die out and I hope that there will always be people who see the value in religion.

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That's very nice to hear! I would recommend the Bible. :)

You don't have to specifically belong to a group of Christians, just BE Christian, as it seems the Bible says you have to.

I would like to still mention that the Bible says that you are not saved by works alone, but by faith in God and Jesus.

Since doing good works the way God wants it, is fruit that comes automatically when you have faith.

Why the Bible, since it is infallible. Other religions are, but not the Bible. I would recommend reading this: https://lifeshandbook.wikidot.com/why-believe and perhaps some other articles on that site, so you'll have enough knowledge about it you can choose not to believe in it or not.

Well, I would like her to consider it, because imagine there really is a God.

He's going to send her to hell, because he said "You are not saved by works(being good)", but only by true faith in Him.

You can argue that the Bible is infallible, but it is not. People say the Bible contradict and stuff, but when we look at the whole picture we see it does not, and is actually saying the same thing. I guess you wouldn't know that since you probably don't read as much the Bible as the people who claim these things.

So, by ignoring what I say, and "leaning on her own understanding", which God says is wrong, it may cause giant consequences to happen.

So, please, give it a read. :)
I don't think you've understood quite what I was saying - I've simply changed from an atheist to a sort-of agnostic, not stopped being an atheist and started considering religion. The only difference between my belief and agnosticism is that I believe it is possible for someone to know whether God exists, just not for me to know because I don't have enough knowledge or motivation. So I just believe that, as I said, I should be a good person and one day it will benefit me - whether that's after I die or in my current life. I can't explain it properly without potentially offending someone, so I just hope people can understand that. :)

Hwd45: You are correct. I was indeed wrong on that point. I made the mistake of not double checking something that I remembered seeing.

Kerfuffle, and the rest: Please give an example of a mistake.(Note:translations can have mistakes, though).

Quote from here:https://lifeshandbook.wikidot.com/why-believe

"One interesting question is, "Why do we believe the Bible to be infallible?" In this case, it makes no sense to use the Bible as a tool for describing why. The Bible is a very old document that remains today one of the most studied pieces of literature. The Bible has changed people's lives, and it led to some major discoveries. Throughout time, the Bible has passed every single test put before it. Despite its size, the original text has no contradictions; by far, nothing has proved the Bible wrong.

Inasmuch, the Bible is also a living document. The Bible itself is said to be God-breathed, and when one studies its Hebrew version, it becomes obvious how living the Bible is. The exact lettering is positioned correctly so that when one studies enough, one can find hidden meanings between the lines. Verses when compared to other verses can have multiple meanings that support one another.

With this, we believe the Bible to be true in every way. The whole Bible is truth, not just parts of it, and it is all inspired by God."

That's my main reason. :)

Also DazzilitchiGirl, I know what you meant. But I just thought it would be great to perhaps extend your knowledge about a certain religion already. I'm not trying to force you to become Christian, I'm just saying I'd like you to check it out. :)

Yeah but... That's just not true. I can see why that would be a good reason to believe that the Bible is infallible...

...But I'm just not seeing any proof. I mean, for one, the Old and New testaments contradict each other a lot, as the Old testament contains many of the passages that would today be considered utterly vile- things like how women should be stoned if they get pregnant before marriage. Then, the New testament comes along and says that the Old testament is wrong... That's probably a terrible example and perhaps not even correct, but that's bassically what point I'm trying to put... I think

Well, I would like her to consider it, because imagine there really is a God.

He's going to send her to hell, because he said "You are not saved by works(being good)", but only by true faith in Him.
So... even if they are the greatest, kindest, most well respected and loved person in the world... they'd go to hell because they may not believe in God? I thought God was the symbol of love, kindness, mercy, etc. How is it fair at all to throw away someone who did everything the Bible says, just didn't believe in some deity? That just seems ludicrous in and of itself. An all powerful being who's so egocentric into condemning even the good people of the world over the fact they may not worship or even know of him? That's not love, compassion, mercy, or anything. That's selfishness. That's no different from a king in the Middle Ages having someone put to death because they didn't feel the need to recognize them, even if they were the best person in the whole kingdom.

Another reason why I'm not big on Christianity: fear mongering. There's no real promotion of love, there's an instilling of fear in those who choose that path. I'm sure other religions do the same in their own ways, but still, to tell someone they're going to go to hell just outright like that is rather... harsh. I'm sure Christianity does promote love and kindness in it's own way, but this just reminds me of the whole political "Speak softly but carry a big stick" deal. Seems to be a big front sometimes to how much people are told over and over if they don't do this or that, they'll have all sorts of bad things happen.

I try to be a good person as much as I can be. I don't believe in God. IF in fact he does exist and tosses me aside for the reason of me finding it hard to believe in his existence, then I have to say that i feel he is in the wrong and lost a good soul to aide in whatever cause he has or whatever plans he's made. I can only imagine the number of people he's thrown away who were all good people over such a trivial thing.

A million times you can ask it

Find your Bible far too odd

Ain't got time for your God

I've made my decision

Don't want your religion

No more church-bound prison

Hwd45: In the old Testament it is a sin to commit murder. But God said to the Levites (then) certain punishments for certain sin.

In the New Testament, a woman who was caught in adultery is brought to Jesus with the intention to trap him. But He replies that the one who is without sin should cast the first stone. And one by one, the people leave, and the woman stays behind.

He then says to her: "Woman, where are they? Did no one condemn you?", where she replies to:"No one, Lord".

Then Jesus said:"I do not condemn you, either. Go. From now on sin no more."

Jesus is showing forgiveness here. Jesus also died for our sins so that we would no longer have to die. It's not a contradiction, it is a "fulfillment of the law".

I completely understand that some things really seem contradicting, but further study proves it to be not. :)

Midorime: The thing is, for someone who doesn't believe in God, he will do things wrong that God wouldn't want since there is no borderline because he doesn't believe in God.

The only fear the Bible speaks about is the fear for God. You must fear God since he has the power to throw you in Hell, and to make an end to your life whenever suits Him. The Bible is VERY clear about love. The love that I see in the Bible is a lot more pure than the "love" I see today. God gave His ONLY son because He loved his creation. If that's not love...

The Bible continually speaks about love and says that faith, hope and love are the most important things.

I can't help but feel if there was no fear aspect to God, less people would believe in him. Humans are no different to other animals... we're all scared of things bigger than us, and that's probably why Christianity has lasted so long... People don't act like 'good christians' because being good is... good. People act like this because the bible tells them to. That's not always the case, but it is a lot.

True, but in a way it reminds me of some types of parents. Some parents believe in using fear mongering to control their children. I grew up with this, and needless to say, it's caused me a lot of mental and social adaptation issues. Some people have it worse, to the point where they can't even look their parents in their eyes for fear of what they'll do to them, or they can't even function in society. How can you love what can hurt you so badly and that you're afraid of?

So what if someone does all the Bible says and the only key thing is he doesn't believe in God? But he follows everything to a T. Does that mean his life was still a waste?

Also, it's been bothering me, and I had this discussion with someone before about this. Murder is wrong, we know this. However, in the case of soldiers who kill others to protect their country, does that mean all soldiers who kill automatically go to hell? Even if they're Christians and everything? Why or why not? And what is two nations fight who are both Christian and fighting to protect their country? Who goes to hell? Everyone? No one?

Or rather what if someone is forced to kill someone or they themselves be killed? Do they go to hell? What if to protect themselves from being killed, they kill the one trying to kill them? Hell or not?

There's so many fine line things and it all seems to be a black and white answer to most things that seem to basically equal to "screw you, you're pretty much going to hell regardless." At least from what i have seen. Unless there's some 'magical' clause that someone thinks up of and it makes it okay.

Also, off the wall question: babies don't believe in God. They have no concept of God, or anything really. They are a blank slate. So if they die as babies/newborns/are aborted, does that mean they automatically go to hell? Because according to you, if one doesn't believe, one goes to hell.

EDIT: If I have asked of these before, I don't remember. Don't want to go digging.

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Im atheist because i don't like the idea that there is an all powerful being that decides my fate, i like to live my life how i want to and not be worried that someone is judging the fate of my afterlife!

Also, it's been bothering me, and I had this discussion with someone before about this. Murder is wrong, we know this. However, in the case of soldiers who kill others to protect their country, does that mean all soldiers who kill automatically go to hell? Even if they're Christians and everything? Why or why not? And what is two nations fight who are both Christian and fighting to protect their country? Who goes to hell? Everyone? No one?
This is an interesting point, actually, and it does highlight how religious texts such as the Bible can be interpreted in different ways. Some Christian groups, such as the Quakers, are pacifists and don't believe in war at all. I don't think that as a denomination they necessarily believe that those who do go and fight will go to hell if they kill another in battle, but they certainly don't agree with it. Meanwhile, in times gone by other Christians believed that giving your life in battle was an immediate passage to heaven and atoned for all sins.

I think culture and changes in society over time also has more influence on religion than many people want to admit. No government in Western society today could justify going to war with god's will, and yet several hundred years ago they were doing just that.

This is an interesting point, actually, and it does highlight how religious texts such as the Bible can be interpreted in different ways. Some Christian groups, such as the Quakers, are pacifists and don't believe in war at all. I don't think that as a denomination they necessarily believe that those who do go and fight will go to hell if they kill another in battle, but they certainly don't agree with it. Meanwhile, in times gone by other Christians believed that giving your life in battle was an immediate passage to heaven and atoned for all sins.

I think culture and changes in society over time also has more influence on religion than many people want to admit. No government in Western society today could justify going to war with god's will, and yet several hundred years ago they were doing just that.
I agree with the society and culture deal. I also think that a Christian from Europe probably has different views of right and wrong than one of America, or Australia, or even Japan. Then you have so many different forms of Christianity that it's hard to say which is even the 'right' one. One may say you're born full of sin, the other may say you're born a blank slate. One says you can eat whatever, another says no, you cannot eat certain things. One says it's okay to abuse your wife if she isn't deemed 'faithful' and another will say to never lay a hand on her.

Dunno the different types, just threw some examples out there I could think of, might have gotten some mixed up with something else, but I was just putting it out there as an example.

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I agree with the society and culture deal. I also think that a Christian from Europe probably has different views of right and wrong than one of America, or Australia, or even Japan.
Also very true. You only have to look at politics to see how things differ between even Western societies. I live in the UK and I know for a fact that somebody like Mitt Romney, with his religious views that form the basis of his opinions on women and homosexuality, for example, would never have even gotten close to the position of leadership of our government. And yet in America he seriously challenged Obama for the Presidency. Here people would have just assembled in their masses to throw things at him, vandalise his house and laugh in his face.

Also very true. You only have to look at politics to see how things differ between even Western societies. I live in the UK and I know for a fact that somebody like Mitt Romney, with his religious views that form the basis of his opinions on women and homosexuality, for example, would never have even gotten close to the position of leadership of our government. And yet in America he seriously challenged Obama for the Presidency. Here people would have just assembled in their masses to throw things at him, vandalise his house and laugh in his face.
Yeah. Also depends on geography of the nation. Our South has a more religious view than the North, so there tends to be conflict more there as well within the nation itself.

True, but in a way it reminds me of some types of parents. Some parents believe in using fear mongering to control their children. I grew up with this, and needless to say, it's caused me a lot of mental and social adaptation issues. Some people have it worse, to the point where they can't even look their parents in their eyes for fear of what they'll do to them, or they can't even function in society. How can you love what can hurt you so badly and that you're afraid of?

So what if someone does all the Bible says and the only key thing is he doesn't believe in God? But he follows everything to a T. Does that mean his life was still a waste?

Also, it's been bothering me, and I had this discussion with someone before about this. Murder is wrong, we know this. However, in the case of soldiers who kill others to protect their country, does that mean all soldiers who kill automatically go to hell? Even if they're Christians and everything? Why or why not? And what is two nations fight who are both Christian and fighting to protect their country? Who goes to hell? Everyone? No one?

Or rather what if someone is forced to kill someone or they themselves be killed? Do they go to hell? What if to protect themselves from being killed, they kill the one trying to kill them? Hell or not?

There's so many fine line things and it all seems to be a black and white answer to most things that seem to basically equal to "screw you, you're pretty much going to hell regardless." At least from what i have seen. Unless there's some 'magical' clause that someone thinks up of and it makes it okay.

Also, off the wall question: babies don't believe in God. They have no concept of God, or anything really. They are a blank slate. So if they die as babies/newborns/are aborted, does that mean they automatically go to hell? Because according to you, if one doesn't believe, one goes to hell.

EDIT: If I have asked of these before, I don't remember. Don't want to go digging.
Well, I think that fear is a part of respect to someone. Having fear will humble you, and that's a good thing.

Also, I fear God, but I still love him, because He loved me first.

It is impossible to do all that the Bible says and have no faith. Paul says that trough faith we no longer are under the Law. ( https://www.blueletterbible.org/Bible.cfm?b=Gal&c=3 )

And all who are anyway under the Law are under the curse of it. And it is written, curseth every man who doesn't continue in all things written in the Law to do them. But no man is justified by the law, but faith. And good works are the fruit of faith. Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the Law.

So without faith, you will not enter the KIngdom of God.

Yes, murder is a sin. And it does not say that in a battle or war it isn't. It remains a sin, but I cannot tell that these people will go to Hell or not, since as long as they live they still can repent of it. If someone's is forced to kill someone, he should give his life instead rather that committing a sin. A person should not love his life in this world, so he can be saved.

I only can say that if you don't repent of your sins you will go to Hell. More I cannot say.

I don't know what will happen to the babies when they die, but they'll definitely NOT go to Hell, because they are under the age that they can realize right from wrong, or even know what sin is. Maybe God sends them to Heaven, maybe He uses their soul in another baby. I cannot tell now.

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